
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 10:01 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 10:01


yvk.1.6 Prajapati created the sacrifices, the Agnihotra, the Agnistoma, the full moon sacrifice, the Ukthya, the new moon sacrifice and the Atiratra.
yvk.1.6 These he meted out; the Agnistoma was the size of the Agnihotra, the Ukthya that of the full moon sacrifice, the Atiratra that of the new moon sacrifice.
yvk.1.6 He who knowing thus offers the Agnihotra obtains as much as by offering the Agnistoma; he who knowing thus offers the full moon sacrifice obtains as much as by offering the Ukthya
yvk.1.8 The Hotr is a Bhargava; the Saman of the Brahman is the Srayantiya; the Agnistoma Saman is the Varavantiya.
yvk.3.1 If the Soma (sacrifice) on the other side is an Agnistoma, he should perform an Ukthya; if it is an Ukthya, he should perform an Atiratra; verily by means of rites of sacrifice he appropriates his deities; he becomes better.
yvk.5.4 He strokes with two (verses) in the Stotra of the Yajnayajniya; the sacrifice is as great as is the Agnistoma; a further extension is performed over and above it; verily he mounts at the end the whole extent of the sacrifice.
yvk.6.4 If it is an Agnistoma, he makes a libation; if an Ukthya, he rubs (butter) on the enclosing sticks; if it is an Atiratra, he goes forward uttering a text, to distinguish the sacrifices.
yvk.6.6 They should be drawn also in the Agnistoma, so that the sacrifice may have its body.
yvk.6.6 He should also draw (it) in the Agnistoma for a Rajanya, for a Rajanya sacrifices desiring distinction; verily in the day rite he grasps a bolt for him, and the bolt kindles him to prosperity, or it burns him; the twenty onefold is the Stotra used, for support; what is recited has the word bay in it; he obtains the dear abode of Indra
yvk.7.1 By means of the Agnistoma Prajapati created off spring; by means of the Agnistoma he grasped them.
yvk.7.1 He who knowing thus sacrifices with the Agnistoma begets unborn offspring and grasps those that are born.
yvk.7.1 The theologians say, He indeed would really sacrifice, who having sacrificed with the Agnistoma should also sacrifice with the Sarvastoma.
yvk.7.1 The first day is the Jyotistoma form of the Agnistoma; with it he wins splendour.
yvk.7.1 He caused sacrifice to be made by the Vasus with the Agnistoma.
yvk.7.1 Therefore in the three night rite, the first day should be an Agnistoma, then an Ukthya, then an Atiratra, for the separation of these worlds.
yvk.7.1 There is an Agnistoma characterized by the Trivrt Stoma(); verily he wins rilliance.
yvk.7.1 There is an Agnistoma with the Pancadasa Stoma(), for the gaining of Prajapati; (it has) the characteristics of the Mahavrata, for the gaining of food.
yvk.7.2 There is an Agnistoma with the Trivrt Stoma(); verily they win brilliance.
yvk.7.2 There is an Agnistoma with the Trivrt Stoma(); verily he wins brilliance
yvk.7.2 There is an Agnistoma with the Pancadasa Stoma() to obtain Prajapati; it has (the characteristics of) the Mahavrata, to win food.
yvk.7.2 There is an Agnistoma with the Trivrt Stoma(); verily he wins brilliance.
yvk.7.2 There is an Agnistoma with the Pancadasa Stoma(), to obtain Prajapati; it has (the characteristics of) the Mahavrata, to win food.
yvk.7.2 [4] to break the uniformity the Agnistoma Samans are before and after (the greater Stoma).
yvk.7.2 There is an Agnistoma, with the Trivrt Stoma(), in praise of Agni, with verses addressed to Agni; verily he wins brilliance.
yvk.7.2 There is an Agnistoma, with the Trivrt Stoma(), and verses addressed to the All gods; verily he wins prosperity.
yvk.7.2 There is an Agnistoma, with the Saptadasa Stoma(), and verses addressed to Prajapati, (calle )the added oblation; verily he is invited by all.
yvk.7.2 [1] they were to employ the Agnistoma first, they would put the pupils outside; therefore the Atiratra is employed first; verily having inserted the eyes of the sacrifice they put the pupils in them.
yvk.7.3 c May the Agnistoma, come to me, and the Ukthya; May the nocturnal Atiratra come to me.
yvk.7.4 There is an Agnistoma in the Jyotis form.
yvk.7.4 Why do they perform it first? Now in doing so they really perform in order first the Agnistoma, then the Ukthya, then the Sodasin, then the Atiratra, all the forms of sacrifice, and seizing and holding them, they keep drinking the Soma.

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