Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 09:53 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 09:53
yvk.1.8 | The two ornaments he gives to the Adhvaryu, the garland to the Udgatr, the round ornament to the Hotr, a horse to the Prastotr and Pratihartr, twelve heifers to the Brahman, a cow to the Maitravaruna, a bull to the Brahmanacchansin, garments to the Nestr and Potr, a wagon drawn by one ox laden with barley to the Achavaka, a draught ox to the Agnidh. |
yvk.2.2 | As he cuts off from Indra s (cake), he should say, Do thou recite for Indra having directed (the Agnidh) to utter the Srausat call, he should say, Utter the Yajya, for the Maruts as he cuts off from the Maruts cake, he should say, Do thou recite for the Maruts having directed (the Agnidh), he should say, Utter the Yajya for Indra verily he produces strife between them for their shares, and they keep piercing each other. |
yvk.2.6 | Has he gone, O Agnidh? he says. |
yvk.2.6 | If (the Agnidh) were to say, Agni has gone? he would make Agni go into the fire, and exclude the sacrificer from the world of heaven. |
yvk.2.6 | He takes a portion for the Agnidh; verily he delights the seasons whose mouth is Agni. |
yvk.3.1 | If men disturb his victim and he wish of them, May they come to ruin he should make an offering in the Agnidh s altar with the Rc containing the word paying of homage (and beginning), What then? Verily he appropriates their paying of homage and speedily do they go to ruin. |
yvk.3.1 | He should rub the Agnidh s place with a verse addressed to Agni, the oblation holder with one addressed to Visnu, the offering spoons with one addressed to Agni, the Vayu cups with one addressed to Vayu, the Sadas with one addressed to Indra. |
yvk.3.2 | d Homage to Rudra, slayer of Makha; for this homage guard me (with these words he reverences) the place of the Agnidh; verily paying homage to him he creeps to the Sadas, for his own safety. |
yvk.4.4 | (Thou art) Prajapati in mind, when come to the Soma; the creator in the consecration; Savitr in the bearing; Pusan in the cow for the purchase of the Soma; Varuna when bound (in the cloth); Asura in the being bought; Mitra when purchased; Sipivista when put in place; delighter of men when being drawn forward; the overlord on arrival; Prajapati being led on; Agni at the Agnidh s altar; Brhaspati on being led from the Agnidh s altar; Indra at the oblation holder; Aditi when put in place; Visnu when being taken down; Atharvan when made wet; Yama when pressed out; drinker of unpurified Soma() when being cleansed; Vayu when purifying; Mitra as mixed with milk; the Manthin when mixed with groats; that of the All gods when taken out; Rudra when offered; Vayu when covered up; the gazer on men when revealed; the food when it comes; the famed of the fathers; life when taken; the river when going to the final bath; the ocean when gone; the water when dipped; the heaven when arrived at completion. |
yvk.4.7 | May the kindling wood for me, the strew, the altar, the lesser altars, the offering spoons, the cups, the pressing stones, the chips (of the post), the sounding holes, the two pressing boards, the wooden tub, the Vayu cups, the (bowl) for the purified Soma, the mixing (bowl), the Agnidh s altar, the oblation holder, the house, the Sadas, the cakes, the cooked (offerings), the final bath, the cry of Godspeed (prosper for me through the sacrifice). |
yvk.5.4 | The atmosphere is as it were unreal; the Agnidh s altar is as it were the atmosphere; on the Agnidh s altar |
yvk.5.4 | He utters aloud (the direction to the Agnidh) for Vaisvanara, he offers the offerings of the Maruts muttering; therefore the kingly power speaks above the people. |
yvk.6.3 | The gods lost by conquest the sacrifice; they won it again from the Agnidh s altar; the Agnidh s altar is the invincible part of the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.3 | In that he draws off the altar fires from that of the Agnidh, he renews the sacrifice from the invincible part of it. |
yvk.6.3 | [1] he says, Agnidh, draw off the fires, spread the strew, make ready the sacrificial cake. |
yvk.6.3 | the Ahavaniya, the Agnidh s altar, the Hotr s, and the Marjaliya; therefore they sacrifice on them. |
yvk.6.3 | But how are the gods to know whether it is the end or not? He goes round the Agnidh s altar to the north and offers the sacrifices in the southern fire; verily he does not mingle the breaths. |
yvk.6.3 | He offers in the Agnidh s fire; verily he approaches the atmosphere; he offers in the Ahavaniya; verily he makes him go to the world of heaven. |
yvk.6.3 | He offers in the Agnidh s fire with a verse containing the word lead for leading to the world of heaven. |
yvk.6.3 | He places on the Agnidh s altar the pressing stones, he cups for Vayu, and the wooden trough, for they take it away from them; if he were to put it with them, it would become spoiled. |
yvk.6.3 | The pressing stones are the troop of thieves of King Soma; him, who knowing thus, places the pressing stones on the Agnidh s altar, the troop of thieves finds not. |
yvk.6.4 | The gods divided the sacrifice on the Agnidh s altar: of what was left over they said, Let this remain here. |
yvk.6.4 | He places (them) on the Agnidh s altar; the Agnidh s altar is the invincible part of the sacrifice; verily he places (them) on the invincible part of the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.5 | He does not utter the secondary Vasat; if he were to do so, he would let Rudra go after his offspring; if he were not to do so, the Agnidh would consume the Soma before it had been appeased; he says the secondary Vasat muttering, he does not let Rudra go after his offspring, the Agnidh consumes the Soma after it has been appeased. |
yvk.6.5 | O Agnidh, sit on the lap of the Nestr; O Nestr, lead up the wife he says verily the Agnidh impregnates the Nestr, the Nestr the wife. |
yvk.6.6 | He offers in the Agnidh s altar; verily he ascends the atmosphere. |
yvk.6.6 | He offers in the Agnidh s altar with a verse containing the word Lead for leading to the world of heaven. |
yvk.6.6 | He gives to the Agnidh; verily he delights the seasons headed by Agni; he gives to the Brahman priest, for instigation; he gives to the Hotr; the Hotr is the self of the sacrifice; verily he unites the self of the sacrifice with the gifts. |
yvk.7.1 | Then some say, It is to be given to the Brahman and the Agnidh |
yvk.7.1 | [6] two shares to the Brahman and the third to the Agnidh. |
yvk.7.1 | For the Brahman is connected with Indra, the Agnidh with Visnu; (verily the division is) just as they two agreed upon. |
yvk.7.1 | Leading her round to the north of the Agnidh s place he makes her smell the wooden tub near the Ahavaniya fire, saying, |
yvk.7.1 | Having gone round the Agnidh s place with her, he should offer in front, while the cow stands facing (him), Saying, |
yvk.7.1 | He should give her to the Agnidh, or the Brahman, or the Hotr or the Udgatr, or the Adhvaryu. |
yvk.7.2 | The oblation holder and the Agnidh s seat should be of Asvattha wood, for that is heavenly. |