Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 09:50 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 09:50
yvk.1.8 | The two ornaments he gives to the Adhvaryu, the garland to the Udgatr, the round ornament to the Hotr, a horse to the Prastotr and Pratihartr, twelve heifers to the Brahman, a cow to the Maitravaruna, a bull to the Brahmanacchansin, garments to the Nestr and Potr, a wagon drawn by one ox laden with barley to the Achavaka, a draught ox to the Agnidh. |
yvk.5.4 | The Achavaka s Saman is the Samkrti; the horse sacrifice is an extensive sacrifice; who knows they say, if all of it is done or not? In that the Achavaka s Saman is the Samkrti, (it serves) to make the horse whole, to win it entirely, to prevent interference. |
yvk.7.1 | It is the Achavaka |