Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 14:27 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 14:27
vrm.5.6 | Hanuma jumped for Dhumrah s house, for Sampati s house, for Vidhudrupa s, Bhiima s house, for Ghana s house and Vighana s house, for Sukhana s house, for Vakra s, for Satha s house and also for Vikata s house, for Brahmakarna s house, for Damshra s house, for Roma s house, for Raksha s house, for Yuddhonmatta s and Indrajihva s house, in the same way for Hastimukas house, for Karala s house, for Pisacha s house, and also for the building of Shonita. |
vrm.5.54 | Leaving the house of Vibhishana, Hanuma of great splendour, went successively to the houses of Rashmiketu, Surya shatru, Hrasvakarna, Damshtra, Romasha the Rakshasa, Yuddhonmatta, Matta, Dhvajagreeva the Rakshasa, the terrific Vidyujjihva, Hastimukha, Karala, Pishacha, Shonitaksha, Kumbhakarna, Makaraksha, Yajnashatru, Brahmashatru, Narantaka, Kumbha as also the evil minded Nikumbha and burnt the houses. |
vrm.6.69 | For the defense of his sons, Ravana sent Yuddhonmatta and Matta better known as Mahodara and Mahaparshva, his brothers to the battle. |
vrm.6.71 | Seeing his own army making a tumultuous sound tottering with excessive fear, seeing his brothers having a prowess equal to that of Indra having been killed, and seeing his paternal uncles as also Yuddhonmatta and Matta Mahodara and Mahaparshva his brothers and the foremost of Rakshasas having been fallen down, Atikaya of great splendour, having boons bestowed by Brahma the lord of creation, having appearance of a mountain and who removed the pride of Devas and Danavas, was enraged. |
vrm.6.123 | "Both Yuddhonmatta and Matta, the foremost of Rakshasas, as also Nikumbha and Kumbha the sons of Kumbhakarna, as also the strong Vajradamshtra, Damshtra and many Rakshasas were killed. |