
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 14:07 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 14:07


vrm.1.25 "Oh, Rama, the protector of people, we have heard that Indra once eliminated Manthara, the daughter of Virochana, when she wished to annihilate earth, haven t we.
vrm.1.29 b, a "In the meantime, when Vishnu was in his asceticism in this hermitage, the son of King Virochana, namely Bali, has completely conquered all the assemblages of Devas together with Indra and his coterie called Maruts, and ruling that kingdom where that hermitage is there, he has become renowned in all the three worlds for his magnanimity.
vrm.1.29 Oh, all pervading god Vishnu, Bali the son of Virochana is conducting an unsurpassed Vedic ritual, before the completion of which our own mission, say the task of Gods, is to be achieved completely.
vrm.1.29 "That great resplendent Vishnu then adopting a semblance of a dwarf emerged from Aditi, and that dwarfish ascetic boy approached Emperor Bali, the son of Virochana.
vrm.6.59 The mighty Rama became angry on seeing him and rushed upon that Ravana like unto Vishnu with his uplifted mace rushed upon Virochana.
vrm.7.12 And Ravana married the grand daughter of Virochana on the maternal side named Vajrajwala, to Kumbhakarna.
vrm.7.22 Hiranyakasipu, the gracaful Namuchi, and Shamvara, Nishandi and Dhumketu and Virochana s ofspring Vali, and the Daitya Shamvu that mighty monarchs, Vritra and Bana ;and Rajarshis versed in all branches of learnings and Gandharvas, and mighty Nagas, and Sages, and Pannagas and Yakshas, and swarms of Apsaras and the Earth herself containing vasty oceans and mountains and rivers and trees, at the unrolling of a Yuga all these, O mighty monarch have I brought to dissolution.

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