Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 13:34 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 13:34
vrm.6.60 | "Further, I was formerly cursed by Vedavati when she was humiliated by me. |
vrm.6.60 | The same Vedavati is born as the highly fortunate Seetha the daughter of Janaka. |
vrm.7.17 | And while that high sould one was engaged in the daily study of the Vedas, I was born as his word impregnated daughter, named Vedavati When the gods and the Gandharvas and the Yakshas, Rakshasas, and Pannagas, coming to my sire asked for me, O foremost of Rakshasas, my father did not bestow me on any one of them. |
vrm.7.17 | Thus accosted, Vedavati said unto the night ranger Do not say so in respect of Vishnu, lord of this triune sphere, bowed down unto by all creatures. |
vrm.7.17 | Thus addressed there by Vedavati, the night ranger seized the girl by the hair. |
vrm.7.17 | Thereat Vedavati, wroth, cut of her hair with her hand transformed into a sword. |
vrm.7.17 | The enemy, endowed with the splendour of a hill, formerly that had been slain through the wrath of Vedavati, hath now been slain by her, by help of thine superhuman prowess. |
vrm.7.17 | This one named Vedavati was born in the Krita age; and in the Treta age, for compassing the destruction of that Raksha, she was born in the Maithila line of the high souled Janaka. |
vrm.7.18 | When Vedavati had entered into fire, Ravana, ascending Pushpaka, began to range the earth. |