Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 13:31 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 13:31
vrm.2.3 | King Dasaratha, thus duly returning the honor done by them, spoke while they were listening, to Vasishta, Vamadeva and other Brahmans as follows: |
vrm.2.3 | When their applause gradually subsided, King Dasaratha spoke the following words to the best of sages, Vasishta. |
vrm.2.3 | "Oh Divine Vasishta! Be pleased to order now for the traditional ceremonial that is to be done and various accessories needed for the anointing ceremony of Rama. |
vrm.2.3 | Vasishta, the best of Brahmans, hearing the words of king Dasaratha, ordered the officers who stood there with folded hands before the king, as follows: "Gather the following in the sacred fire house of the king at dawn: gold and the like, diamonds, things needed to perform worship, various herbs, white floral garlands, corn, honey and clarified butter in separate vessels, new clothes, chariot, all weapons, the four divisions of army, an Elephant with auspicious signs, white fan, flag staff, white umbrella, one hundred golden pots with brilliant shine, bull with gilded horns and a complete tiger skin". |
vrm.2.3 | Those wise men Vasishta and Vamadeva attentively ordered for all those things to be done there, informed that to king Dasaratha and performed the remaining things also. |
vrm.2.3 | Pleased and satisfied with the arrangements made Vasishta and Vamadeva approached king Dasaratha and told him that all had been done according to his words. |
vrm.2.5 | After Rama left, king Dasaratha called for his family priest Vasishta and spoke to him as follows about the ensuing anointment ceremony of the next day. |
vrm.2.5 | "O, great sage Vasishta! Please go to the avowed Rama and Seetha today to make them perform fasting for obtaining prosperity, glory and sovereignty. |
vrm.2.5 | Vasishta, who is the best of knowers of Veda, who is expert in mantras, who is firm in austerities and who is divine, said to Dasaratha "I agree to it" and personally went to Rama s house on a chariot which was ready and quite suitable for a Brahman so as to advise Rama to undertake a fast with mantras performed by Rama, a knower of mantras. |
vrm.2.5 | Rama quickly got nearer to Vasishta s chariot and personally helped him to alight from the chariot. |
vrm.2.5 | That family priest Vasishta seeing that lovable and humble Rama, spoke the following words, bringing cheerfulness and happiness to him: |
vrm.2.5 | Vasishta, leaving Rama s house, which seemed like the royal palace, saw the way filled with people. |
vrm.2.5 | Vasishta, thus seeing the king s way being overcrowded with people, reached the royal palace slowly by forcing a passage through that crowd. |
vrm.2.5 | The members of assembly who were sitting along with the king till then, raised in obeisance to Vasishta from their seats, following the example of the king. |
vrm.2.5 | King Dasaratha, after obtaining permission from Vasishta, left that assembly of men and entered his palace as a lion enters a mountain cave. |
vrm.2.31 | "Oh, Lakshmana! At a grand sacrifice perfomed by Janaka, the great souled Varuna personally gave heavently bows which are dreadful to look at, divine impenetrable pices of armour, quivers containing an inexhanstible stock of arms, two swords decked with gold and with spotless lustre like that of a sun all these were kept at the residence of our receptor Vasishta, after paying due reverence. |
vrm.2.31 | Lakshmana, who was assured of his sojourn in the forest, after bidding good bye ot his friends, approached Vasishta the preceptor of Ikshvaku dynasty and took the excellent armoury. |
vrm.2.31 | "You bring boon the venerable Suyajna, the son of Vasishta, the best. |
vrm.2.37 | "Moreover, putting aside the bark of trees, give excellent jewellery to your daughter in law, Oh, Kaikeyi! the bark of trees is not ordained for her" Thus saying so, Vasishta prevented that wearing of garment by Seetha. |
vrm.2.37 | Her exile was not indeed solicted by you, while asking for boons" Eventhough Vasishta, the preceptor of the king, who had an influenc beyond compare and the best of brahmanas was speaking as above, Seetha did not turn away here resolution to follow the ways of her beloved husband. |
vrm.2.67 | Markandeya, Moudgalya, Vamadeva, Kasyapa,Katyayana, Goutama and the greatly famous Jabali all these Brahmans together with the ministers turned towards the excellent royal priest Vasishta and one by one spoke as follows: King Dasaratha having obtained death due to grief born of separation from his sons Rama and Lakshmana, the night which burdened like a hundred years, has passed over with great difficulty. |
vrm.2.72 | Hence, meet the chiefs of Brahmanas like Vasishta and others who know the rituals, perform soon the sacred rites to the king and become crowned as a king yourself to the earth, being not depressed in spirit. |
vrm.2.76 | The sage Vasishta, the excellent one among the speakers having eloquence, spoke to that Bharata, Kaikeyis son who was thus tormented with grief. |
vrm.2.76 | Hearing the words of Vasishta, Bharata conversant with his duty fell prostate and proceeded with all the arrangements for the obsequies. |
vrm.2.76 | The great sage Vasishta again spoke the following words to that Bharata who was distressed in mind and thus lamenting. |
vrm.2.77 | Then, Vasishta, a noble man, a learned man and the family priest of their father, raised up that Bharata from the ground and spoke the following words: O, Lord Bharata! This is the thirteenth day of the death of your father. |
vrm.2.81 | While Bharata was lamenting thus, the great illustrious Vasishta who knew the rules relating to kings, entered the assembly hall of Dasaratha the Lord of Ikshvaku dynasty. |
vrm.2.81 | The pious minded Vasishta along with his attendants entered that lovely assembly hall, made of gold and studded with gems and jewels, resembling Sudharma the celestial assembly hall. |
vrm.2.81 | Vasishta, who knew all the scriptures, then sat in a presidential chair made of gold and wrapped with a comfortable cushion. |
vrm.2.82 | Beholding all the entire body of ministers of the king, Vasishta the knower of righteousness uttered to Bharata the following soft spoken words: O, beloved Bharata! The king Dasaratha, practicing righteousness, gave away to you this wide earth endowed with grains and riches and went to heaven. |
vrm.2.82 | Seeing that army ready, Bharata in the presence of Vasishta said as follows to Sumantra who was standing by his side: Get ready my chariot quickly. |
vrm.2.89 | Vasishta, the royal priest and whatever elderly Brahmanas were present there ascended the boats, even before Bharata, Shatrughna, Kausalya, Sumitra. |
vrm.2.90 | Having seen Bharadwaja s hermitage at a couple of miles away, that excellent man Bharata, knowing what is right, leaving all his army behind, discarding his weapons and ornaments, and wearing simple silken garment, went forwards by foot, proceeded by Vasishta, his spiritual preceptor. |
vrm.2.90 | Leaving his ministers behind at a visible distance to Bharadwaja, Bharata then went along with Vasishta, his spiritual preceptor. |
vrm.2.90 | On seeing Vasishta, Bharadwaja the great ascetic rose quickly from his seat, asking his disciples to fetch water to wash the hand of the distinguished guests with. |
vrm.2.90 | Having met Vasishta and greeted by Bharata, Bharadwaja of great splendour recognized him to be a son of Dasaratha. |
vrm.2.90 | Vasishta and Bharata in return made enquires with Bharadwaja, if all were well with his body his sacred fires, his disciples, the trees, the deer and Birds in the hermitage. |
vrm.2.90 | Tell me where Rama the Lord of the world is to be found now?" Requested by Vasishta and other priests likewise, Bharadwaja answered Bharata in affectionate words as follows: |
vrm.2.93 | Having travelled for a long distance, that glorious Bharata, whose animals were now fully exhausted, said to Vasishta, the most segaceios of his counsellors as follows "Looking at the features of the pace and from what has been heard by me, it is clear that we reached that area of which Bharadwaja spoke. |
vrm.2.99 | Bharata, who was affectionate towards the elders, asked the sage Vasishta to bring his mothers soon thereafter and went ahead quickly. |
vrm.2.100 | "I hope that the preceptor Suyajna the son of Vasishta who is rich in humility, a son of a noble family, who has a knowledge of many scriptures an unenvious person and who is full of insight, is duly honoured by you. |
vrm.2.104 | Eager to see Rama again, Vasishta approached that place, preceded by Dasaratha s wives. |
vrm.2.104 | While the sorrowful mother was speaking thus, Rama the elder brother of Bharata approached Vasishta and took hold of his feet in salutation. |
vrm.2.104 | Then, after Rama and Vasishta sat, Bharata the pious man along with his counsellors, the leading citizens, warriors and virtuous people seated himself at a lowel level at a proximity to Rama. |
vrm.2.106 | "Let all the king s ministers along with Vasishta and other priests well versed in sacred formulas, crown you, the knower of sacred texts, here itself. |
vrm.2.110 | Recognising that Rama has become angry, Vasishta spoke as follows: "Even Jabali is aware of the going and coming of this world. |
vrm.2.111 | Having spoken thus to Rama, Vasishta the royal priest added the following righteous words: |
vrm.2.111 | Having heard the sweet words spoken by his spiritual preceptro himself, Rama the excellent among men replied as follows to Vasishta who was seated there. |
vrm.2.113 | Before him, Vasishta, Vasudeva of firm vows, Jabali and all the ministers distinguished for their counsels, went ahead. |
vrm.2.113 | The, Bharadwaja full of joy, enquired of Bharata saying, "O, dear prince! Has your purpose been accomplished? Have you met Rama?" Hearing the words of the learned sage, Bharadwaja, Bharata who was affectionate towards his brothers, replied to Bharadwaja as follows Despite the entreaties of his preceptor and of mine, Rama is unshakeable in his resolve and most cheerfully spoke the following words to Vasishta. |
vrm.2.113 | Hearing the words of Rama, the highly wise Vasishta, the knower of proper mode of expression, replied to Rama who is the most skilful of orators, in the following great words: "O, the extremely segacious prince! Bestow joyfully thse gold encrusted sandals of yours on us and ensure peace and harmony in Ayodhya. |
vrm.2.113 | "Hearing the words of Vasishta, Rama stood up and turning to the East, placed his feet in those sandals and gave them to me as a sign of regency. |
vrm.2.115 | Having brought his mothers back to Ayodhya Bharata, fixed in his resolve but sore stricken with grief, spoke to Vasishta and the elders as follows "I am going to Nandigrama village. |
vrm.2.115 | Hearing those auspicious words of the magnanimous Bharata, Vasishta the preceptor and all the ministers spoke as follows: "O, Bharata! The words which your have spoken by you in devotion to your brother are very much appreciable. |
vrm.2.115 | All the preceptors there, headed by Vasishta and other brahmanas being in the forefront, proceeded eastward, in which direction Nandigrama village was situated. |
vrm.5.24 | "Like the highly fortunate Sachi who waits upon Indra, like Arundhati on Vasishta, like Rohini on the Moon God, like Lopamudra on Agastya, like Sukanya on Chyavana, like Savitri on Satyavanta, like Srimati on Kapila, like Madayanti on Saudasa, like Kesini on Sagara, like Damayanti the daughter of Bhima, devoted to husband Nala, in the same way I am devoted to my husband Rama, the best in Ikshvaku dynasty. |
vrm.5.33 | "O dark eyed lady! Are you not the auspicious Arundhati, who irritated her husband, Vasishta the sage either by anger or by error?" "O the slender waisted lady! You seem to be lamenting over someone who died is he your son, or father or brother or husband. |
vrm.6.127 | Offering salutation to Sumantra, the illustrious Kaikeyi and all his mothers, Rama then went to Vasishta the priest and offered his salutation in reverence. |
vrm.6.127 | Affectionately pressing the feet of Vasishta, his well wisher and family priest, even as Indra would press the feet of Brihaspati, the valiant Rama sat by his side, on a separate seat. |
vrm.6.128 | Then, Shatrughna, accompanied by the counsellors, reported to Vasishta, their chief priest and his friends, about that water intended for Rama s coronation brought by those foremost of Vanaras. |
vrm.6.128 | Vasishta, Vamadeva, Kashyapa, Katyayana, Suyajna, Gautama and Vijaya consecrated Rama the tiger among men, with clear and fragrant water, as the eight Vasus |
vrm.6.128 | Vasishta and others, with much delight got him consecrated first, with brahmanas officiating as priests and by virgins, ministers, warriors, as well as merchants sprinkling the sap of all kinds of medicinal herbs, with the four Gods the guardians of the worlds, standing in the air and with all the Gods assembled there, sprinkling the sap on Rama. |
vrm.6.128 | With which crown, long ago, Manu the emperor was adorned while he was consecrated and with which, the kings followed in his line were successively adorned while they were coronated, that crown studded with precious jewels, fashioned by Brahma at the beginning of creation and dazzling with splendour, being kept according to practice on a throne adorned with many kinds of precious stones in the council hall, studded with gold, graced with abundant riches, decorated and shiningly made with most charming jewels of various kinds, and thereafter Rama duly adorned by that crown as well as jewels by the great souled Vasishta and other priests officiating at the coronation ceremony. |
vrm.7.1 | And Vasishta and Kasyapa and Atri and Viswamitra with Gautama and Jamadagni and Bharadwaja and also the seven sages, who for aye resided in the northern quarter, came there. |
vrm.7.52 | And Sita sitting by him, he appeared like the effulgent Vasishta in the company of Arundhati. |
vrm.7.60 | O foremost of men, Durvasa said this unto Dasaratha before me, Vasishta and other great men. |
vrm.7.61 | Being thus requested by the high souled Lakshmana, Sumantra began to reveal the mystery of Durvasa s account "In the days of yore the great ascetic Durvasa, the son of Atri, resided for a year in the holy hermitage of Vasishta. |
vrm.7.61 | At that time thy sire, the highly effulgent and illustious Dasaratha, with a view to see his high souled priest Vasishta, repaired there. |
vrm.7.61 | He saw the great ascetic Durvasa, burning like the sun in his efulgence, seated on the right hand side of Vasishta. |
vrm.7.65 | Thereupon Vasishta said to Nimi, the foremost of royal saints "I have already been engaged by Indra. |
vrm.7.65 | After the departure of Vasishta the great Gautama engaged in the satisfaction of Vasistha s duties. |
vrm.7.65 | And the high souled Vasishta too engaged in Indra ssacrifice. |
vrm.7.65 | Thereupon having finished the sacrifice of Indra there came to the King, the blameless and the illustrious Rishi Vasishta. |
vrm.7.65 | And not beholding the King the high souled Vasishta was greatly angry and said; Since thou hast, O King, engaged another neglecting me, thy body shall remain senseless. |
vrm.7.65 | thereupon hearing the curse of Vasishta, the king got up. |
vrm.7.66 | Hearing the words of the effulgent Rama, Lakshmana, the slayer of enemies, said with folded hands "Having thus cast of their bodies how did that Brahman worshipped by the Devas and the king regain them ?"Having been thus accosted by Lakshmana, Rama, the descendant of Ikshwakus and the foremost of men, replied "Having renounced their persons both Nimi and the pious Vasishta, having asceticism for their wealth, were metamorphosed into air. |
vrm.7.66 | Thereupon being thus deprived of his body the highly effulgent and great ascetic Vasishta went to the Patriarch Brahma with the object of acquiring from him another. |
vrm.7.66 | The Patriarch Brahma having said this, Vasishta, saluting and circumambulating him, repaired to the region of Varuna. |
vrm.7.67 | Hearing the words of Lakshmana, Rama, having truth for his prowess, began to relate the story of Vasishta. |
vrm.7.67 | Thereupon after some time from the energies of both Mitra and Varuna sprang up the effulgent Vasishta the priest of Ikshwakus. |
vrm.7.67 | I have thus described tb you the story of Vasishta s birth possessing a wonderful body. |
vrm.7.67 | O pure one, I have thus related unto thee the wondrous births, in consequence of the curse, of the great ascetic Vasishta and the royal saint Nimi. |
vrm.7.68 | And having said this, Lakshmana, the slayer of enemies, burning in his native effulgence, said "O foremost among kings, this ancient account of the ascetic Vasishta and king Nimi is highly surprising and wonderful. |
vrm.7.68 | But as a Kshatriya king and a hero besides although revived he did not forgive the high souled Vasishta. |
vrm.7.70 | The assembly consisted of the priest Vasishta, the saint Kashyapa, ministers well versed in politics, other religious preceptors, moralists, members and kings. |
vrm.7.71 | Thereat, Bhrigu, Angiras, Kutsa, Vasishta, Kashya and other ascetics, the leading preachers, the ministers, the citizens, and other sages conversant with Sastras, present there, said "A Brahmana should not be punished with death. |
vrm.7.75 | Do thou, O Kakutstha, accept the installation which I confer on the, preluded by the prescribed religious formulas uttered by Vipras beaded by Vasishta. |
vrm.7.78 | Vasishta officiated as a priest at that sacrifice. |
vrm.7.78 | Thereupon when the sacrifice was about to be finished the aforesaid Rakshasa, remembering his former enmity, assumed the shape of Vasishta and said to the king Saudasa "O king, today the sacrifice shall end; do therefore, without any delay, feed me with meat. |
vrm.7.78 | Hearing the words of the Rakshasa in the guise of a Brahman, the king ordered his expert cook?, saying "Do ye soon prepare such dishes of meat as may satisfy my preceptor Vasishta. |
vrm.7.78 | The king and queen offered those dishes unto the ascetic Vasishta, who, after being treated to them, perceived that they were of human flesh and, terribly enraged, said: king, let this be thy food which thou hast offered me ;this shall not prove otherwise. |
vrm.7.78 | Being enraged on hearing it the king Saudasa took water in his palms and was about to imprecate Vasishta, when his queen, preventing him said "O king, the illustrious great ascetic Vasishta is our preceptor and priest and so thou shouldst not imprecate him. |
vrm.7.78 | Thereupon the king with his spouse again and again bowed unto Vasishta s feet and informed him of what the Rakshasa has done under the guise of a Brahmana. |
vrm.7.78 | Hearing the words of the king and being apprised that this vile act had been done by the Rakshasa, Vasishta said, "O king, even what I have said angrily shall not prove futile. |
vrm.7.87 | Hearing those sorrowful words of the Brahman, Rama was greatly sorry and sent for Vasishta, Vamadeva, his brothers, citizens and councillors. |
vrm.7.87 | Thereupon having entered the apatment in the company of Vasishta, eight Brahmanas blessed the king Rama, resembling a celestial, saying may victory crown thee. |
vrm.7.104 | Having thus addressed his both brothers, Rama, the descendant of Kakuthstha of unmitigated prowess, again said to Lakshmana, in words pregnant with morality "O Lakshmana, having invited Vasishta, the foremost of twice born ones, conversant with all the rites of Asvamedha, Vamadeva, Javali, and Kashyapa and consulted with them duly I shall set free a horse gifted with all marks. |
vrm.7.109 | Next morning Rama, being present in the sacrificial ground and having sent for the Rishis, Vasishta, Vamadeva Javali, Kashyapa, Viswamitra, carrying on penances for a long time, Durvasa, Pulastya of hard austerities, Salastri, Bhargava, Markandeya living long, the highly illustrious Madgalya, Gargya, Chyavana, Satananda, conversent with religions, effulgent Varadwaya, Agnis son Vasuprava, Narada, Parvata, the great Gautama and other ascetics of firm vows, assembled with minds possessed by curiosity. |
vrm.7.119 | Thereupon Vasishta, of unmitigated efulgence, said "O highly illustrious and mighty armed Rama, knew before by virtue of my asceticism, of this thy present destruction and separation from Lakshmana. |
vrm.7.119 | All other ministers and priests agreed with Vasishta s words. |
vrm.7.120 | Raising up the subjects according to the words of Vasishta Rama said "What good can I do for you!" Heaing Rama s words they said: O King, we shall follow thee wherever thou shalt go. |
vrm.7.122 | Thereupon the highly effulgent Vasishta arranged duly all the ceremonies necessary for going to the next world. |