
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 13:15 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 13:15


vrm.1.45 "Oh, descendent of Raghu, then the heaven sent damsel Vaaruni came up from Milky Ocean searching for her espousal, who is the daughter of Varuna, and who incidentally is the presiding deity of hard liquors and also called as Sura.
vrm.1.45 "Oh, Rama, the sons of Diti, namely Asura s, have not espoused that daughter of Rain god, but oh, brave Rama, the sons of Aditi on their part, namely sura s, have espoused that impeccable Vaaruni.
vrm.1.45 "Thereby the sons of Diti are called a suraa s, and the sons of Aditi are called Sura s, and Gods are delighted and rejoiced on espousing Vaaruni.

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