Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 13:12 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 13:12
vrm.1.17 | The great souled beings, namely the Sages, Siddha s, Vidyadhara s, Uraga s, Chaarana s have created valiant sons amongst the forest rangers. |
vrm.1.17 | b, a Several of the Devas, great Sages, Gandharva s, Taarkshya s, Yaksha s, and the celebrated Uraga s, Kimpusha s, Siddha s, Vidyadhara s, Uraga s and Caarana s and even the prominent maidens of Apsara s, she Vidyadhara s, Naga, Gandharva s then gladly procreated all of the thousands of forest ranging and valiant Vanara sons from their bodies that are forest rangers. |
vrm.1.27 | "I am going to accord all of those divine missiles by which scores of Devas, Asuras, or even from Gandharva s, Uraga s and the like, or even earthlings are dominated, humbled down and conquered in war. |
vrm.1.55 | b, "On going to the mountainsides of Himalayas, whereat it is adored by Kinnara s and Uraga s he that great practiser of ascesis, Vishvamitra, undertook an austere ascesis for the sake of beneficence of the Great God, Shiva. |
vrm.6.117 | "O Rama! You appear as a great Uraga, in water, at the earth s bottom, bearing the three worlds, Devas, Gandharvas, and the Danavas. |