
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 13:12 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 13:12


vrm.1.17 The great souled beings, namely the Sages, Siddha s, Vidyadhara s, Uraga s, Chaarana s have created valiant sons amongst the forest rangers.
vrm.1.17 b, a Several of the Devas, great Sages, Gandharva s, Taarkshya s, Yaksha s, and the celebrated Uraga s, Kimpusha s, Siddha s, Vidyadhara s, Uraga s and Caarana s and even the prominent maidens of Apsara s, she Vidyadhara s, Naga, Gandharva s then gladly procreated all of the thousands of forest ranging and valiant Vanara sons from their bodies that are forest rangers.
vrm.1.27 "I am going to accord all of those divine missiles by which scores of Devas, Asuras, or even from Gandharva s, Uraga s and the like, or even earthlings are dominated, humbled down and conquered in war.
vrm.1.55 b, "On going to the mountainsides of Himalayas, whereat it is adored by Kinnara s and Uraga s he that great practiser of ascesis, Vishvamitra, undertook an austere ascesis for the sake of beneficence of the Great God, Shiva.
vrm.6.117 "O Rama! You appear as a great Uraga, in water, at the earth s bottom, bearing the three worlds, Devas, Gandharvas, and the Danavas.

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