Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 14:19 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 14:19
vrm.1.14 | Three hundred animals are tied to the ritual posts, along with the gemlike best ritual Horse of that King Dasharatha. |
vrm.1.43 | b, a "Discerning her egotism god Shiva is infuriated, and then on his part that Three eyed god Shiva thought to pent her up in the tufts of his head hair. |
vrm.5.39 | "How indeed can those troops of Vanaras and Rikshas or Rama and Lakshmana can cross that great insurmountable ocean?" Three" beings viz. |
vrm.5.68 | Three beings viz. |
vrm.6.26 | Three thousand crores of excellent Vanaras, who are formidable of impetuous valour and vigour, surround him who is marching ahead and follow in his goot sets to destroy Lanka. |
vrm.6.59 | Though he was able to lift up Himavat, Mandara and Meru mountains as also the Three Worlds with the Gods, he could not raise Lakshmana the younger brother of Bharata. |
vrm.6.87 | Three" faults produce destruction. |