Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 12:05 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 12:05
vrm.3.32 | b, a Whereby, to whom there is an indemnity against death in war at the hand of Gods, Rakshasas, Gandharva s, Pisachas, Suparnas, Nagas, excepting humans, and Shuurpanakha saw such an unimperilled Ravana. |
vrm.3.35 | It is brightened up with thousands of Nagas and Suparnas, Gandharva s and Kinnara s. |
vrm.3.35 | b, a While descending rapidly then that best among Suparnas Garuda suddenly broke that tree s branch which is full with leaves, owing to the impact of his high impetuosity. |
vrm.3.45 | "Oh, auspicious one, unmarked is some combatant who can counterattack Rama from among Gods, humans, Gandharva s, Suparnas, Pisachas, Kinnara s, beasts, or oh, lady, even from horrendous Rakshasas, as Rama vies with Indra in any given war. |
vrm.3.48 | "I am that Ravana at whose sight all the Gods together with Gandharva s, Pisachas, Suparnas and Nagas will always be frightened and fleeing, as with the people frightened and fleeing from death. |
vrm.5.1 | Immediately on seeing the best among Vanaras, Hanuma, flying without any effort, Nagas, Yakshas, Rakshasas, Devas and Suparnas all praised Him. |
vrm.5.51 | "The renowned Rama, who is equal in prowess to Vishnu is the foremost among Devas or Asuras or men, or among hordes of Yakshas or among all Vidyadharas, or among Gandharvas or among Uragas or among Siddhas or among excellent Kinnaras or among Patatris Suparnas or among all living beings at all places and at all times. |
vrm.6.8 | All Gods, Rakshasas, Gandharvas, Pisachas, Suparnas and Nagas can be attacked by you in battle. |
vrm.6.14 | We do not have fear from Yakshas or Gandharvas or eminent Nagas or from Suparnas and Uragas on the field of battle. |
vrm.6.19 | O, prince! Because of a special boon given by Brahma Ravana can not be killed by all beings, Gandharvas, Nagas and Suparnas. |
vrm.6.67 | Then, Devarshis, great Sages Pannagas, Devas, Bhutas, Suparnas Guhyakas, including troops of Yakshas and Gandharvas standing in the sky, were rejoiced at Rama s prowess. |
vrm.7.10 | Thus addressed by the creator, Brahma, the Ten necked one, O Rama, standing before him with joined hands, said, O lord of creatures, I would, O eternal one, be incapable of being slain by Suparnas and Nagas, Yakshas, Daityas, Danavas and Rakshasas, and the Devas ;for, O thou that art worshipped by the immortals, anxiety I have none from any other beings. |
vrm.7.16 | And the lordly Nandi,undaunted, addressed the sovereign of the Rakshasas, saying Desist thou O Ten necked one Sankara; spoteth in the mountain ;and now He is incapable of being approached by every one Suparnas, Nagas and Yakshas Devas;, Gandharvas and Rakshas Hearing Nandi s speech, Ravana, wrought up with wrath, his eyes coppery, and his ear rings shaking, leapt down from Pushpaka. |
vrm.7.24 | He travels with the Devas, Pitris,Nagas and Suparnas. |
vrm.7.27 | the Asuras, Danavas and Suparnas. |
vrm.7.123 | So did all the celestial Rishis, Gandharvas Apsaras, Suparnas, Nagas, Yakhsas, Pisachas, Danavas and Rakshasas. |