Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 11:58 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 11:58
vrm.1.71 | "Then after sometime, a valorous king named Sudhanva came beleaguering Mithila, from his city Saamkaasha. |
vrm.1.71 | "Oh, Brahma sage Vashishta, for the reason of my non bestowal of bow or bride he warred with me, and when he affronted me in that war I have put that Sudhanva to the sword. |
vrm.1.71 | "Oh, best sage Vashishta, on eliminating king Sudhanva, I have anointed my valiant brother Kushadhvaja in the kingdom of Saamkaasha. |
vrm.2.100 | "O, my darling! I hope that you treat with due respect Sudhanva, your teacher in archery, who is furnished with the most excellent arrows and darts and well versed in political economy. |