Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 11:55 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 11:55
vrm.3.46 | As a sinister planet looks over Star Rohini when she is devoid of Moon, that extremely sinister Ravana then looked over the glorious and youthful princess Seetha. |
vrm.3.46 | b, a That disgraceful Ravana made advances in a graceful mien of Brahman almsman to Vaidehi who is thinking over her husband, like the slow moving Saturn making advance to Star Citra which will be ominous. |
vrm.3.49 | b, a On saying that sentence to Maithili, who by herself is a nice talker and who is a proper one for addressing with nice words, that verily evil minded Rakshasa Ravana maddened by lust drew nigh of Seetha and grabbed her, as Budha, the Jupiter grabs the Star Rohini in firmament. |
vrm.4.67 | then my flight path will become like that of Star Swati and its constellate stars twinkling in the sky. |