Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 11:36 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 11:36
vrm.1.27 | All of those highly obliging missiles in astral bodies, gladdening to come under the aegis of Rama, then spoke to him making palms fold, "here are your thralls, Sire, we are here to accomplish whatever you bid us to do, let safety be with you. |
vrm.1.28 | Gladdening in his heart of hearts Rama of Kakutstha received the annulment missiles saying, "Agreed! Sire!" Those missiles are with radiantly divine bodies, appealing and endowing bliss. |
vrm.3.4 | Oh, Sire, att one and half Yojana s of distance from here Sage Sharabhanga, a great saint of virtue, and an efficacious sage with sun like resplendence dwells, you shall quickly approach him for he advises you opportunely. |