
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 11:35 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 11:35


vrm.1.13 Further, taking the orders of King Dasharatha and motivated by those orders, the kings of Sindhu, Sauviira and Sauraastra kingdoms may also be invited.
vrm.1.43 b, "Also thus Sucakshu, Seetha, and the excellent river Sindhu are the other three rivers which streamed to the westward direction with their holy waters.
vrm.2.10 Eastern countries, Sindhu, Sauviira and Saurastra countries, as well as countries in the south, Vanga, Anga, Magadha and Matsya countries, Kasi and Kausala countries are all full of riches.
vrm.4.40 b, a "Search shall be conducted at the riversides of heartening rivers like River Bhagirathi, another name for River Ganga, and River Sarayu, like that at River Kaushiki, and at the pleasing surrounds of River Yamuna, and on Mountain Kalinda, as well at River Sarasvati, River Sindhu and at the river whose waters are lustrous like gems, namely River Shona, and further at River Mahi and River Kaalamahi which rivers are brightened by mountains and forests surrounding them.
vrm.4.42 "At the junction of River Sindhu with the ocean, Mouth of Indus, there is a huge mountain named Hemagiri, Golden Mountain, which is with hundreds of summits and gigantic trees.
vrm.6.22 The valiant ocean, the lord of rivers, wearing a wreath of pearls, with his eyes resembling lotus leaves, bearing a beautiful garland made of all kinds of flowers on his head, with ornaments of refined gold, adorned with excellent jewels made of pearls from his domain, decorated with different kinds of gems and metals, resembling Himavat mountain, wearing on his broad chest a locket shedding a white luster, resembling a Kaustubha gem and hanging in the middle of a single string of pearls,with a multitude of waves whirled around him, encircled by the clouds and winds, escorted by rivers mainly the Ganga and Sindhu, endowed with diverse forms resembling various deities, approached Rama with joined palms, who stood with arrows in hand, addressing him first as Rama! and spoke the following words:
vrm.7.113 The Gandharvas, holding weapons and expert in warfare, guard that beautiful province abounding in fruits and roots on the banks of the river Sindhu.

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