Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 11:30 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 11:30
vrm.1.1 | "A man reading this Ramayana happens to be a Brahman, one from teaching class, he obtains excellency in his speech, and should he be Kshatriya person from ruling class, he obtains land lordship, and should he be Vyshya person from trading class, he accrues monetary gains, and should he be a Shudra person from working class, he acquires his personal excellence. |
vrm.1.6 | And the fourth one, Shudra s, the working class, while performing its own duties, is always working for the other castes. |
vrm.1.13 | "Then on calling for Sumantra, Sage Vashishta said these words to him, "Let all those kings of the earth that are righteous be invited, and let all the people from all the kingdoms, say Brahmans, Kshatriya s, Vyasya s, Shudra s be invited in scores duly honouring them. |
vrm.3.14 | "Oh, the best among men Rama, the wife of great soul Kashyapa, lady Manu procreated humans, Brahman s, Kshatriya s, Vyasya s, and Shudra s. |
vrm.3.14 | "The Brahman s emerged from face, the Kshatriya s from chest, the Vyasya s from two thighs, and the Shudra s from two feet, thus we hear from the scriptures viz. |