Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 11:22 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 11:22
vrm.1.17 | The Rain god procreated the vanara named Susheshana, and Thunder god gave rise to the great mighty Sharabha. |
vrm.4.26 | Then, Vanara s like Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, Mainda, Dvivida, also thus Hanuma, Jambavanta have started pouring pure water on Sugreeva, which the best vanara s have collected from the rivers flowing to east, as well as to west, from each of the sacred declivity of rivers, from every ocean, and stored in golden flasks. |
vrm.4.33 | On the kings way Lakshmana has seen the exquisite mansion of Angada, likewise the lavish mansions of distinction pertaining to the other vanara chiefs, namely Dvivida, Gavaya, Gavaksha, Gaja, and Sharabha, Vidyunmali, Sampati, Suuryaaksha, Hanuma, and that of the noble souled Nala, and even those of Virabahu, Subaahu, Kumuda, Sushena, Lt. |
vrm.4.39 | Sharabha, Kumuda, Vahni, also even Ramha, these and many other vanara s have come who by their wish are the guise changers. |
vrm.4.50 | b, Without pressing one another closely, yet not distancing from one another largely, Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, also thus Mainda, Dvivida, and Hanuma, and even Jambavanta, crown prince Angada, also the forest mover Lt. |
vrm.4.65 | Then on hearing the words of Angada those best Vanara s, namely Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, Mainda and Dvivida, and Susheshana, and like that Jambavanta have individually said about their abilities in the matter of leaping the ocean according to their turn. |
vrm.4.65 | In that matter the vanara Sharabha said to the Vanaras, oh, fly jumpers, I can indeed go up to thirty Yojana s. |
vrm.4.65 | The vanara Sharabha said, I can go up to forty Yojana s, undoubtedly. |
vrm.6.17 | Thereafter Sharabha on his part spoke the following meaningful and decisive words: O, tiger among men! Let a spy be sent to shadow him |
vrm.6.29 | Beholding those foremost of Vanara leaders pointed out by Shuka the most valiant Lakshmana Ramas right arm, his own brother Vibhishana standing close to Rama, the terribly powerful Sugreeva the king of all Vanaras, the strong Angada grandson of Indra the wielder of thunderbolt, the powerful Hanuman, the imincible Jambavan, Sushena, Kumuda, Nila, Nala the excellent of Vanaras, Gaja, Gavaksha, Sharabha, Mainda and Dvivida that Ravana his heart became agitated a little, was enraged and then abused those two heroes Shuka and Sarana who had completed their report. |
vrm.6.30 | The young Angada, Indras grandson, the strong and invincible one, both the mighty Mainda and Dvinda born of the two divinties of Ashvin as well as Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha and Gandhamadana the five sons of Yama all of them resembling Yama at the time of dissolution of the world, the valiant ten crores of Vanaras who are yearning for battle are all here. |
vrm.6.38 | Hanuman, Angada, Nila, Mainda, Dvivida, Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, Panasa, Kumuda, Hara, Rambha the chief of the troop, Jambavan, sushena, the greatly wise Rishabha, Durmukha of great splendour, Shatabali the Vanara and other hundreds of Vanaras which are fast moving, which can wander easily on mountains with a speed akin to that of wind, ascended that Suvela mountain which Rama ascended. |
vrm.6.42 | Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha and Gandhamadana, galloping on all sides, defended the army of Vanaras. |
vrm.6.45 | Rama the scourger of his enemies ordered both the sons of Sushena, Nila the chief of Vanaras, Angada the son of Vali, the stron Sharabha, Dvivida, Hanuman, the very strong Sanuprastha, Rishabha and Rishabha skandha. |
vrm.6.46 | Indrajit the son of Ravana of great swiftness, struck both Gavaksha and Sharabha of unbounded valour with two arrows on each of them, in that battle. |
vrm.6.49 | "By Gavaya, Gavaksha, Sharabha, Gaja and other Vanaras, who are willing to sacrifice their lives for me, the battle was carried on. |
vrm.6.61 | Then, Gavaksha, Sharabha, Hanuma and Angada looking like mountains, reached the gate, taking the mountian tops. |
vrm.6.66 | Rishabha, Sharabha, Mainda, Dhumra, Neela, Kumuda, sushena, Gavaksha, Rambha, Tara and more particularly Dvipada, Panasa and hanuma marched ahead very quickly, with their faces turned towards the battle. |
vrm.6.67 | Rishabha, Sharabha, Neela, Gavaksha and Gandhamadana marched ahead quickly towards Kumbhakarna. |
vrm.6.67 | Then, in battle, the enraged Kumbhakarna, the enemy of Indra, beating Sharabha with his fist and Neela with his knee, struck Gavaksha with a palm of his hand and struck Gandhamadana violently with his feet. |
vrm.6.71 | Taking trees and mountain peaks, Kumuda, Dvivida, Mainda, Nila and Sharabha marched forwards quickly to attack him at once. |
vrm.6.74 | Vibhishana and Hanuma saw Sugreeva, Angada, Nila, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, Gavaksha, Sushena, Vegadarshi, Mainda, Nala, Jyotimukha and a Vanara called Dvivida, who were struck down on the battle field. |
vrm.6.89 | Then, four Vanara leaders named Pramathi, Rabhasa, Sharabha and Gandhamadana, getting impatient, acted hastily. |
vrm.6.127 | He also embraced Sushena, Nala, Gavaksha, Gandhamadana, Sharabha, Panasa and the surrounding Vanaras. |