Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 11:22 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 11:22
vrm.1.9 | "Oh! King, having brought Sage Rishyasringa and honouring him well with good care, procedurally give him your daughter Shanta in marriage to that Vedic Brahman and the son of Sage Vibhandaka. |
vrm.1.9 | "Thus by the king of Anga kingdom and by his courtesans the son of sage Rishyasringa will be brought and the presiding deity for rains will showers rains, and Shanta will also be given in marriage to that sage. |
vrm.1.10 | "On entering the palace princess Shanta is given to Rishyasringa in customary marriage, and then that King Romapada obtained rejoice with a peaceful mind. |
vrm.1.10 | Thus that great fulgent Rishyasringa lived in Anga kingdom along with his wife Shanta, and with all his desires fulfilled and also well worshipped" Thus Sumantra said the legend of Rishyasringa to King Dasharatha. |
vrm.1.11 | will beget a fortunate girl named Shanta. |
vrm.1.11 | Shanta, Sage Rishyasringa, preside over that Vedic ritual at you behest, for the sake of progeny in my dynasty. |
vrm.1.11 | b, a Oh, lord of subjects, your daughter Princess Shanta may go over my city Ayodhya along with her husband Rishyasringa, as oh, king, I am contemplating to perform a great Vedic ritual, indeed. |
vrm.1.11 | On seeing her, the broad eyed Shanta, who came there along with her husband all the ladies of palace derived happiness for the homecoming of their own daughter, as it were. |
vrm.1.11 | Shanta thus being admired by all of them, and in an exceptional manner by Dasharatha, comfortably resided there along with her husband, the Vedic scholar Rishyasringa. |
vrm.1.18 | Well adored by king Dasharatha sage Rishyasringa also travelled along with his wife Shanta, followed by his father in law King Romapada, and along with other co travellers, namely the entourage of Romapada. |