
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 11:18 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 11:18


vrm.1.54 b, a "On seeing the subdual of hundreds of Pahlava s by Vishvamitra, then the Sacred Cow again generated deadly Shaka s hobnobbed with Yavana s through her mooing hums
vrm.1.54 Then the earth was pervaded with the Shaka s associated with Yavana s, who have effectuation and bravery in overcoming their enemy forces, and who are golden in bodily colour similar to the golden pistils of flowers which complexion is outlandish.
vrm.1.54 b, a Yavana" s and Shaka s, who are wielding bowie knives and broad lances and who are clad in golden coloured dresses, and who looked like glowing fires have completely burnt down entire force of Vishvamitra.
vrm.1.55 "From the hums of her mooing Kaamboja s similar to sunshine are born, from her udder Pahlava s wielding weaponry are born, from the area of her privates Yavana s, likewise from her rectal area Shaka s, and from her hair roots Mleccha s, Haariitaa s along with Kirataka s are issued forth.
vrm.4.43 "There in the north, the provinces of Mleccha s, Pulinda s, that way Shurashena Prasthala Bharata Kuru Madraka Kaamboja Yavana shall be scrutinized along with the cities of Shaka and Darada, and then search in Himalayas.

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