Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 11:14 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 11:14
vrm.6.10 | Serpents are seen at the corner of the sacrificial post which is nearest the fire, also in houses keeping sacrificial fire and in places where sacred studies are made. |
vrm.6.103 | Let Birds such as Crows and Vultures tear out your bowels, as Eagles would drag Serpents when you fall down dead when pierced by my arrows today. |
vrm.7.24 | Serpents and scorpions are his hairs his tongue is hard as the lightning, his teeth are dreadful his eyes are red and he is gifted with great velocity and a terror unto all beings. |
vrm.7.33 | And they all stood there in a half sensible mood, some holding the car, some Elephants, some Asses, some Camels, some Serpents, some Horses, some Porpoises, some Boars, some Pisacha mouthed animals and some embracing the Pannagas. |