Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 10:51 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 10:51
vrm.5.15 | Punnaaga trees with flatted roots and in full blossom, Saptaparna trees Campaka and Uddalaka trees were shining. |
vrm.6.22 | Those Vanaras filled the ocean with all types of trees like Sala and Asvakarna, Dhava and bamboo, Kutaja, Arjuna, palmyra,Tilaka, Tinisa, Bilva, Saptaparna, Karnika, in blossom as also mango and Asoka. |
vrm.6.39 | Thick with Champaka, Ashoka, Vakula Sala and palmyra trees, covered with groves of Tamala and Panasa trees, surrounded with rows of Nagakesara trees, Lanka looked splended on all sides like the city of Amaravati reigned by Indra with green lawns and variegated avenues and with beautiful trees of various kinds like Hintala, Arjuna, Nipa Saptaparna in full flowering, Tilaka, Karnikara and Patal whose crests were laden with flowers and which were intertwined with climbers laden with multi coloured flowers and red tender leaves. |
vrm.6.43 | Pierced in the limbs by sharp arrows by Praghasa the swift handed Rakshasa, Sugreeva the Lord of Rakshasas immediately killed Praghasa who was appearing to swallow the Vanara troops with a Saptaparna tree. |
vrm.7.52 | Having sent away the golden Pushpaka, the highly powerful Rama entered the Asoka forest beautified by sandal, Aguru, Mangoe, dark sandal and Devadaru trees, and covered with Champaka, Aguru, Naga, Kesara, Madhuka, Panasa, Sarja, Parijata, resembling smokeless fire, Sodhra, Neepa, Arjuna, Naga, Saptaparna, Muktaka, Mandara, Kadali and various creepers, abounding in Priyanga, Kadamba, Vakula, Jambu, pomegranate, and Kadali trees, containing various flowers, picturesque, having many fruits, fragrant, decorated with new leaves and adorned with vaious other trees. |