
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 10:37 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 10:37


vrm.4.42 "There is a unique and kingly mountain in the midst of that range of golden mountains, which is called Mountain Meru, or Saavarni Meru, to which mountain generous Sun has once given a boon.
vrm.4.42 "The Sun said to that unique Mountain Meru Saavarni in this way, by my beneficence whatever that is sheltered by you, say trees, climbers, rapids, boulders, all of them will transmute into golden hue, either by day or by night.
vrm.4.42 "On their coming to that unique mountain Mountain Meru Saavarni at vespers Vishvedeva s, Vasava s, Marut s, and the other tribes will bide their time for the dusking Sun, and when they all have worshipped him, the Sun goes to the Mountain Astagiri, the Dusking Mountain, and evanishes for all beings for that day.
vrm.4.42 "The Sun courses across those ten thousand Yojana s from Mountain Meru Saavarni to Mountain Astaadri in one and half hours, and quickly reaches Mountain Astagiri, or Mountain Dusk.

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