Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 10:35 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 10:35
vrm.3.30 | He curled his lips in frown and started to extricate that Saala tree, and that great mighty Khara on forcefully uprooting that tree with both of hands hurled it aiming at Rama, braying loudly and shouting at him you are dead. |
vrm.4.27 | "Also see this river unusually sludge less, flowing from the wide of the cave and streaming eastward, spruced up with trees like Sandalwood, Tilaka, Saala, Tamaala, Atimukta, Padmaka, Sarala, and even with Ashoka trees, and it looks as if River Ganga is flowing in Trikuta. |
vrm.4.31 | While knocking down Saala, Palm, Ashvakarna trees with his might, razing mountain crests and even other trees with his strength, splintering boulders underfoot, Lakshmana made haste through an enmeshed path leaving off one foot pathway as with an Elephant striding fleetly, and proceeded swiftly impelled by the mission. |
vrm.4.50 | They beheld Saala, Tala Palmyra, Tamaala trees and some flowered trees like Punnaaga, Vanjula, Dhava, Campaka, Naga, also Karnikara trees. |