Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 10:15 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 10:15
vrm.1.39 | "Oh, Rama, the legatee of Raghu s dynasty, thus sixty thousand square Yojana s of the earth is dug over, so as to make the earth s outermost plane as the unsurpassed Rasatala, the sixth subterranean and the nethermost plane. |
vrm.1.40 | "On catching up the words of their father, the great souled Sagara, his sixty thousand sons rushed towards the surface of the Rasatala, the netherworld. |
vrm.6.7 | Oh, mighty armed! After moving down to Rasatala, the you conquered the Nagas. |
vrm.6.19 | Ravana may well plunge into Rasatala or even Patala or seek the presence of Brahma and he will not be left alive by me. |
vrm.7.11 | He embracing and complimenting Ravana, said, "Dear Ravana! From fear of Vishnu, we are residing in Rasatala. |
vrm.7.23 | And having learnt there an hundred sorts of illusion, he directed his course to Rasatala, searching for the city of the lord of waters. |
vrm.7.82 | And piercing his heat that arrow entered speedily into Rasatala And having entered Rasatala tha arrow, honored by the Devas, again came to the descendant of Raghu. |
vrm.7.111 | Sita having entered Rasatala, all the Vanaras and Rishis repeatedly eulogised her before Rama. |