Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 10:10 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 10:10
vrm.2.47 | How that Rama the strong armed, whose actions are never ineffectual, leave for exile, abandoning his devoted citizens? How did the chief of Raghus, who protected us ever, like a father the children born of his loins, could proceed to the forest, leaving us? Let us have recourse to death here itself, or definitely set out for a grand journey to the north with a resolve to die. |
vrm.6.1 | After reflecting a while, Rama the great scion of Raghus, again spoke as follows, Sugriva the ruler of Vanaras too listening attentively. |
vrm.6.102 | That Rama, the delight of Raghus, was quite enraged and took hold of that spear brought by Matali the charioteer, as desired by Indra |
vrm.7.8 | O best of the Raghus, these Rakshasas of celebrated prowess, related to the race of Salakantankata, remained under the leadership of the Rakshasa Sumali. |
vrm.7.8 | Again, O foremost of the Raghus, do thou understand the matchless birth and potency of Ravana and his sons related in detail. |
vrm.7.40 | "O foremost of Raghus, what, thou hast said regarding Hanuman, is all true. |
vrm.7.51 | And the holy Pushpaka car having thus vanished, Bharata, with folded palms, said to Rama, the delight of Raghus O hero, duing thy divine administration, we have seen many inhuman creatures and objects speak like men. |
vrm.7.54 | Having sent away his friends and determined what to do, Rama, the delight of the Raghus, commanded the warder, who was seated hard by, saying: Do thou speedily bring here, Lakshmana the son of Sumitra and gifted with auspicious marks, the great Bharata and the irrepressible Satrughna. |
vrm.7.54 | Seeing Bharata s departure the warder speedily went to Satrughna and with folded hands said: Do thou come, O foremost Raghus, the King wisheth to behold thee. |
vrm.7.55 | Do thou, O delight of Raghus, soon come back, leaving behind Sita in that lovely place; Do thou carry out my words. |
vrm.7.67 | "O foremsot of Raghus, there spang up two foremost Brahmin saints, from the vital energy discharged by the high souled Mitra and Varuna into the pot. |
vrm.7.82 | And clashing his hands and ginding his teeth he invited that foremost of Raghus, Satrughna, to fight. |
vrm.7.95 | O foremost of Raghus, thou art the purifier of all creatures ;people become perfect even if they only chant thy glories. |
vrm.7.116 | And having approached Rama the foremost of Raghus, the ascetic, burning in his own energy, said to him, in sweet accents: O great king, may prosperity crown thee. |
vrm.7.118 | Thereupon thinking of Kala s words and determining that every calamity would befall him, that highly illustious descendant, of Raghus, summoned patience. |