Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Aug 2011 10:00 and updated at 30 Aug 2011 10:00
vrm.7.68 | Puru was born of Sarmishtha and Yadu of Devayani. |
vrm.7.68 | Puru was the favourite son of the king, both on account of his mother and of his personal graces. |
vrm.7.69 | Hearing those words of Yayati, the foremost of men, Yadu replied "Let thy most favourite son Puru take upon himself this decrepitude. |
vrm.7.69 | Let that Puru take this, with whom thou dost eat and live. |
vrm.7.69 | Hearing the words of Yadu, Yayati said to Puru "O thou having large arms, do thou take the decrepitude for me. |
vrm.7.69 | Hearing the words of Yayati, Puru, with folded hands, said "I am always ready to satisfy thy commands; and I have been favoured and honored by this command of thine. |
vrm.7.69 | Hearing those words of Puru Yayati was highly pleased and attained to an excess of delight and then transferred his own decrepitude to him. |
vrm.7.69 | Thereupon after a long time Yayati said to Puru "O my son, do thou bring the decrepitude I have kept as deposit with thee let it now assail me. |
vrm.7.69 | Having thus addressed his son Puru, the king Yayati angrily said to Yadu, the son of Devayani Thou, vicious Rakshasa, art born of me in the shape of a Kshatriya, or else why shouldst thou disobey my orders ?For this thou shalt never be a king. |
vrm.7.69 | Having thus imprecated Yadu, the royal saint Yayati honored Puru, the enhancer of the prosperity of the kingdom, with installation and then retired to woods. |
vrm.7.69 | The highly illustrious Puru reigned piously in the foremost of cities Pratishtana. |