Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 17:23 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 17:23
vrm.4.42 | b, a "On your seagoing there, oh, vanara s, you will see the golden peak of a waterlogged mountain called Mountain Paariyaatra, which peak will be hundred Yojana s in height, and which is difficult to see as it will be blindingly glittering. |
vrm.4.42 | b, a Twenty" four crores of mighty and atrocious Gandharva s whose glow is similar to the fire and who can change their guise at their wish are living there on that mountain Paariyaatra. |
vrm.4.42 | Then you proceed from that Mountain Paariyaatra to Mountain Vajra. |
vrm.4.42 | "Oh, fly jumpers, there is a great mountain named Mountain Vajra in that sea beyond Mountain Paariyaatra. |