Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 17:20 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 17:20
vrm.6.101 | Having addressed the words thus to Rama, the highly learned Sushena spoke the following words to Hanuma the great Vanara, who was standing nearby: "Proceeding from this place with full speed, O gentle one!, to the mountain called Oushadhi Mahodaya, which was already described to you previously by Jambavan, O brave one! Bring here for restoring the great souled and heroic Lakshmana to consciousness, the precious herb Vishalyakarani by name which was sprung up on its southern peak, Savarnakarnani Samjivakarani and the precious herb, Samdhanakarani |
vrm.6.101 | Hearing those words, Hanuma, having sprung to Mount Oushadhi, could not identify those precious herbs and became thoughtful. |