Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 17:14 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 17:14
vrm.7.63 | I have heard, O foremost df men, that there lived in the days of yore a highly illustrious, truthful and pure minded king, ever devoted unto the Brahmanas, by the name of Nriga. |
vrm.7.63 | The king Nriga conferred this upon me. |
vrm.7.63 | The cow was old and weak so they both, With mutual consent, conferred that upon another Brahman, O Lakshmana, the king Nriga is still sufering from that dreadful curse. |
vrm.7.64 | Hearing the words of the highly effulgent Rama, Lakshmana, conversant with discrimanative knowledge replied with folded hands, saying "O Kakutstha, it is for a very simple folly that the two Brahmanas imprecated that curse upon the king Nriga, dreadful as the rod of Vana. |
vrm.7.64 | May I ask thee, O foremost of men, what did that King say unto the Brahmans when he was thus imprecated?" Whereto Rama replied saying: "O gentle one, hear, what the king Nriga said when imprecated. |
vrm.7.64 | Having made those arrangements and placed Vasu on the throne the king Nriga said "Do not swerve from the path of morality, O my son, and do thou duly govern the subjects according to the custom of the Kshatriyas. |
vrm.7.64 | O foremost of men, having given this advice unto his son, the highly illustrious king Nriga proceeded to live in the sweet fragrant den. |
vrm.7.65 | "I have thus given unto thee in account of the curse imprecated on Nriga. |
vrm.7.69 | And in that case we shall not be degraded like the king Nriga. |