Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 17:09 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 17:09
vrm.4.60 | There was a sacred hermitage belonging to a sage of intense ascesis known as Sage Nishaakara which was reverenced even by Gods. |
vrm.4.60 | On nearing that sacred hermitage and sheltering myself at the base of a tree, I waited there desirous to see that godly Nishaakara. |
vrm.4.61 | "Then I have informed the Sage Nishaakara all about that impossible and impracticable deed done indiscreetly by me and Jatayu and our following the Sun in red heat, as well. |
vrm.4.62 | Thus Sampati continued his narration, and now he reports to Angada and others what that is said by Sage Nishaakara to him. |
vrm.4.62 | Thus Sage Nishaakara started to console Sampati. |
vrm.4.63 | That expert in sentences, namely sage Nishaakara, entered his own dwelling on saying these and many other words of encouragement and after permitting me to take leave. |
vrm.4.63 | Nishaakara has gone on great voyage to heaven, thus my anguish burned me down. |