
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 17:03 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 17:03


vrm.3.15 With Chuuta Sweet Mango Ashoka, Tialaka, even with Ketaka, Champaka trees, And even with Syandana, Sandalwood, Neepa, Paarnasa, Lakuch, Dhava, Ashwakarna, Khadira, Shamii, Kimshuka, Patala trees, and entwined are those and those trees with flowered shrubs, and along with climbers, and thus they brighten the mountains.
vrm.3.60 Rama has gone on asking trees like mango, Neepa, massive saala, jack fruit, kuruva, dhava, and even around daaDima, bakula, punnaaga, sandalwood, ketaka trees, and when he is running around them that highly glorious Rama appeared like a madman.
vrm.4.27 "With the trees born on the riverbank and available here and there in various shapes, like Vaaniira, Timida, Vakula, Ketaka, and with Hintala, Tinisha, Neepa, Vetasa, Kritamaala trees, that river is brightened up, and thus that river appears as a dame finely bedecked with raiment and ornaments.
vrm.4.28 "Well screaming are the peahens voluptuously, overspread are these pasturelands with red beetles, also fragranced are they with Neepa and Arjuna flowers, and the Elephants are moving about these verily pleasant interiors of the forests.
vrm.7.52 Having sent away the golden Pushpaka, the highly powerful Rama entered the Asoka forest beautified by sandal, Aguru, Mangoe, dark sandal and Devadaru trees, and covered with Champaka, Aguru, Naga, Kesara, Madhuka, Panasa, Sarja, Parijata, resembling smokeless fire, Sodhra, Neepa, Arjuna, Naga, Saptaparna, Muktaka, Mandara, Kadali and various creepers, abounding in Priyanga, Kadamba, Vakula, Jambu, pomegranate, and Kadali trees, containing various flowers, picturesque, having many fruits, fragrant, decorated with new leaves and adorned with vaious other trees.

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