Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 16:46 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 16:46
vrm.7.104 | Do thou order that a spacious, sacrificial ground may be made on the banks of the river Gomati in the Naimisha forest. |
vrm.7.104 | O thou conversant with piety, do thou soon invite hundreds of subjects, so that they all, having witnessed the ceremony in the Naimisha forest, may return delighted and honored. |
vrm.7.105 | Thereupon the mighty armed Kakuthstha, in the company of his soldiers, proceeded to the Naimisha forest and beholding the wonderful sacificial ground attained to an excess of delight and said It has become highly charming. |
vrm.7.105 | And while he remained in the Naimisha forest, all the kings sent him presents and Rama also made returns. |