Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 15:27 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 15:27
vrm.7.18 | Whereat king Marutta asked, him Who at thou ?And Ravana laughing in contempt said, O king, I am delighted, that lacking curiosity, thou dost not dishonour Ravana, younger brother unto the bestower of riches. |
vrm.7.18 | Thereat Marutta spoke unto Ravana, saying, Blessed for sooth at thou, by whom thy elder brother hath been vanquished in fight ;and a person so praisewothy there is not in the three worlds. |
vrm.7.18 | And that great sage said unto Marutta words informed with affection If thou hear my speech, thou shouldst not fight. |
vrm.7.18 | And thereupon, the lord of Earth Marutta desisted in consonance with the instructions of his spiitual preceptor; and composed addressed himself to completing the sacrifice, giving up his bow with the arrow set. |
vrm.7.19 | Having vanquished Marutta, that lord of Rakshasas the Ten faced one eager for encounter, began to range the capitals of the foremost monarchs. |
vrm.7.103 | Thereupon Samvarta s desciple, the royal saint Marutta, the conqueror of enemies cities, collected all articles for the sacrifice. |