Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 15:19 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 15:19
vrm.5.10 | Hanuma saw Mandodari with a beautiful form together with diamonds and pearls, well decorated by jewellery and with her self radiance as though decorating that great building with a fair complexion and with a radiance like golden colour, who was dear to her husband the lady of women in that gynaeceum sleeping there. |
vrm.5.58 | "Springing up from the midst of those women, a royal woman named Mandodari, the wife of that evil minded Ravana, ran to him. |
vrm.5.58 | "I suddenly caught by the feet, that prince, son of Mandodari, who was skilled in warfare and who was jumping into the sky with his sword and shield. |
vrm.6.7 | Oh, the best of Rakshasas! By Maya, the lord of Rakshasas, Mandodari his daughter was given to you in marriage, due to fear from you and duly desiring your friendship. |
vrm.6.111 | While those consorts were weeping on that occasion, Mandodari, the senior most and beloved wife of Ravana, who was feeling miserable, stared at her husband. |
vrm.6.111 | Gazing at Ravana, her husband who was killed by Rama of unimaginable exploits, Mandodari there, miserably lamented as follows: "O the great armed, the brother of Kubera! Even Indra the destroyer of strongholds, indeed dares not to stand before you, when you were enraged. |
vrm.6.111 | This Mandodari, who was helping in your sport with you, is weeping with helplessness. |
vrm.6.111 | Lamenting thus, with her eyes filled with tears and her heart moistened with love, Mandodari, at that time, fell into a swoon. |
vrm.6.111 | Fallen on the breast of Ravana, that dispirited Mandodari, stricken as she was with grief, shone like a vivid flash of lightning across a rainy cloud, reddened by the flow of twilight. |
vrm.6.111 | Raising up Mandodari, who was in that condition bitterly weeping, her co wives who were also weeping, very much distressed as they were, began to console her as follows: "Don t you know the uncertain state of the worlds, O queen, that the wealth of kings is unsteady, when there is a change in the tide of their fate?" While they were consoling thus, Mandodari, moistening her breasts and her spotless face in tears, wept aloud at that moment. |
vrm.6.123 | "Here, surrounded by more than a thousand fellow wives, Ravana s wife named Mandodari lamented for Ravana. |
vrm.7.12 | And taking her hand with his own, Maya lord of Daityas laughing, said unto that lord of the Rakshasas, This daughter of mine, O king, borne by the Apsara, Hema, this my daughter named Mandodari do thou accept as thy wife. |
vrm.7.12 | And then was born Mandodari s son, Meghanada. |