
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 13:53 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 13:53


vrm.1.13 "Like that King of Kosala namely Bhanumanta, and the King of Magadha, a brave one and a profound one in all scriptural knowledge, let them be honoured well and be invited.
vrm.1.13 "And Praaptijna, the king of Magadha, the kind hearted and best one among kings, be well honoured and invited.
vrm.1.32 "This charming river that enters and exits Magadha province is well known as the worthy River Maagadhi, and flowing amid the five of these elevated mountains it shines forth like a garland enwreathing them.
vrm.2.10 Eastern countries, Sindhu, Sauviira and Saurastra countries, as well as countries in the south, Vanga, Anga, Magadha and Matsya countries, Kasi and Kausala countries are all full of riches.
vrm.4.40 And the kingdoms like Brahmamaala, Videha, Maalva, Kasi, and Kosala, and in Magadha, which kingdom has grand villages, and in that way, also in the kingdoms of Pundra and Anga, and in the countries of the kings called Koshakaara, and in the provinces of silver mines search is to be conducted.

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