
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 13:38 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 13:38


vrm.4.28 Lords" of People will be anointed only by their people who bring in the water pots on their shoulders to anoint their king, and that king then shows his own propitious aspect of a humanly king, whereas the Lord of Mountains is being anointed by the water from the cloudy pots, sent by Lord Indra and wafted hitherto by Vayu, showing his own serene as well as propitious aspect of his divine nature on earth.
vrm.7.11 Notwithstanding the fraternal relationship between Devas and the Daityas their mothers Aditi and Diti also being sisters the daughters of Daksha by Dharani the Devas got the Daityas killed through Vishnu and got this earth also and became the Lords of all the three worlds.

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