Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 11:22 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 11:22
vrm.1.1 | a "May it be a township or a remote province, it will be replete with coin and grain, and as to how people lived in high gladness during the earlier Krita era, likewise people will live in Rama s period also with the same gladness. |
vrm.1.45 | "Once in Krita era, oh, Rama, the sons of Lady Diti were extremely energetic, whereas the sons of her younger sister Lady Aditi were vigorous and highly righteous. |
vrm.5.1 | "O son! Earlier in the Krita yuga, mountains had wings. |
vrm.6.35 | "When righteousness swallows unrighteousness, it becomes Krita Yuga, a golden age. |
vrm.7.2 | Formerly in the Krita age, O Rama, there was a Brahmarshi lord of creatures son unto Prajapati, and like unto the very self of the great father. |
vrm.7.17 | This one named Vedavati was born in the Krita age; and in the Treta age, for compassing the destruction of that Raksha, she was born in the Maithila line of the high souled Janaka. |
vrm.7.74 | O king, formerly in the Krita age, there was a magnanimous ofspring of Diti, the mighty Asura, Madhu, the eldest son of Lota. |