Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 10:23 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 10:23
vrm.1.24 | "Once these were vast provinces, oh, best one among men, designed by Devas and known as Malada and Karusha. |
vrm.1.24 | b, a "These provinces that bear the impurity of my body shall become resourceful and they shall attain renown in world as Malada and Karusha. |
vrm.1.24 | "For a long time these habitations Malada and Karusha were affluent, oh, enemy subjugator Rama, and people were happy with wealth and provisions. |
vrm.1.24 | "And Raghava, that malevolent Tataka is always destroying the inhabitations at Malada and Karusha. |