
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 10:03 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 10:03


vrm.6.75 By the orders of Ravana, Yupaksha, Shonitaksha, Prajangha and Kampana along with the aforesaid sons of Kumbhakarna set out for the battle.
vrm.6.76 While that terrific battle, which destroyed many eminent heroes, was in progress, Angada, who was eager to fight, attacked the valiant Kampana.
vrm.6.76 Calling Angada to fight, Kampana with fury, rapidly struck him with a mace in anticipation.
vrm.6.76 Tormented by that stroke, Kampana fell down on the ground.
vrm.6.76 Then, seeing Kampana killed in battle, Shonitaksha fearlessly rushed there towards Angada quickly in a chariot.
vrm.6.89 The valiant Nikumbha, the mighty Kumbhakarna, Kumbha, the Rakshasa called Dhumraksha, Jambumali, Mahamali, the highly swift Ashaniprabha, Suptaghna, Yajnakopa, a Rakshasa named Vajradamshtra, Samhadri, Vikata the destroyer of enemies, Tapana, Manda, Praghaasa, Praghasa, Prajangha, Jangha, Agniketu who was difficult to be conquered, Agniketu, the valiant Rashmiketu, vidyujjihva, Dvijihva, Suryashatru, Akampana, Suparshva, Chakramali, Kampana and the mighty Devantaka were also killed.
vrm.7.5 O mighty king, do thou, gradually, know the offspring that were begot by Sumali on Ketumati, Prahasta, and Kampana, and Vikata, and Kalikamukha, and Dhumraksha, and Danda, and the redoubtable Suparswa, and Sanhradi, and Praghasa, and the Rakshasa, Bhasakarna, and Raka, and Pushpotkata, and Kaikasi of luminous smiles, and Kumbhinasi these are known as the offspring of Sumali.

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