Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 09:24 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 09:24
vrm.2.68 | Hearing their words, Vasistha spoke as follows: O, Siddhartha! O, Jayanta! O, Vijaya! O, Ashoka! O, Nandana! Please come. |
vrm.5.47 | Killing that Aksha, possessing a lustre equal to that of Jayanta the son of Indra and having his eyes resembling blood, the heroic Hanuma reached the same archy door way again, like Yama the lord of death expecting in a moment any mortal getting destroyed by him. |
vrm.6.127 | On hearing that command of Shatrughna, Dhrushti, Jayanta, Vijaya, Siddhartha, Arthasadhaka, Ashoka, Mantrapala and Sumantra proceeded with joy. |
vrm.7.33 | Thereupon Sakra s son, known as divine Jayanta, proceeded towards the field of action in a wondrous car. |
vrm.7.33 | And the encounter between Mahendra s son Jayanta and Ravana s son Meghanada, and that between the Devas and Rakshas was like one between Devas and Asuras. |
vrm.7.33 | Thereupon Ravana s son began to assail, with shafts feathered in gold, his Jayanta s charioteer Gomukha, Matali s son. |
vrm.7.33 | Being overpowered with arrows on all sides the Deva army, leaving aside Jayanta, became restless. |
vrm.7.33 | And thinking that Jayanta was slain all the Devas greatly sorry and distressed led away on all sides. |