Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 08:32 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 08:32
vrm.2.50 | Rama, the mighty armed, reached the river Ganga, which is devoid of sins and which dispels all sins, which had fallen from the mass of matted hair of Lord Shankara through the spiritual power of Emperor Bhagiratha, which is rendered noisy by Cranes and Herons, which is a consort of the ocean and which is in the vicinity of Shringaverapura the modern singraur. |
vrm.2.103 | The ruddy Gooses, water Fowls, Swans, Karandavas a sort of ducks, Herons, male Cuckoos and Cranes, utterly confused made it to various directions. |
vrm.4.12 | n He that prosperous Sugreeva with that flowery creeper adorning his neck then shone forth like a black rain cloud against a backdrop of rich ochry colour of sunset, and with a train of Herons adorning that cloud like a garland. |
vrm.4.58 | The third flight level is that of the wading Birds like Bhaasa, Krauncha, Kurara Birds and Cranes, Herons and the like. |
vrm.6.54 | Some Vanaras and Rakshasas, with their shattered heads, but bereft of arms and legs, lay on the earth bathed in blood with their bodies wounded by weapons, a prey to Herons Vultures and Crows or devoured by troops of Jackals. |
vrm.6.58 | With the heaps of warriors for its banks the broken weapons its trees, the torrents of blood its huge waves, death appeared like an ocean receiving its floods, livers and spleens its mire, entrails its moss, severed heads and trunks the fish, and morsels of flesh the grass, the innumerable Vultures its lovely Swans, Herons its Geese, covered as it was with fat for the foam, the tumult the sound of its waters, the battle field resembled a river, incapable of being crossed by cowards, visited by water fowls at the end of the rainy season, those Rakshasas and the foremost of the Vanaras crossed over that impassable river, as Elephants lead their herds across a lake that the lotuses have covered with pollen. |
vrm.6.75 | decorated with gems and Corals, as though touching the sky, rendered noisy with notes of Herons, Peacocks, veena the indian lute and the jingling of ornaments as also appearing like mountains. |