
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 08:14 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 08:14


vrm.6.67 Then, Devarshis, great Sages Pannagas, Devas, Bhutas, Suparnas Guhyakas, including troops of Yakshas and Gandharvas standing in the sky, were rejoiced at Rama s prowess.
vrm.6.71 Then, Vidyadharas, Bhutas, Devas, Daityas, great Sages and Guhyakas, all the great souled ones saw that battle.
vrm.7.16 I have already obtained a boon, bestowing on me immunity from death at the hands of Devas, Gandharvas and Danavas; and Rakshasas and Guhyakas and Nagas; and others also that are of more than oridinary strength.
vrm.7.40 If we do not please the son of Aditi we shall all meet with destruction," Thereupon the Patriarch Brahma, the Devas, Gandharvas, Nagas, Guhyakas and other created beings went where the wind was waiting with his own son belaboured by the king of the Devas.

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