Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 07:48 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 07:48
vrm.2.49 | After traveling a pretty long time from there, Rama crossed the river Gomati having beautiful waters, whose banks were adorned with Cows and which headed towards the sea. |
vrm.2.49 | Reaching the other bank of Gomati river with the help of the swift moving Horses, Rama crossed the river called Syandika which had resounded with howls of peacocks and swans. |
vrm.2.71 | Bharata, after crossing Sthanumati river at Ekasala village and Gomati river at Vinata village, took rest at a grove of Sala trees at Kalinga city as the Horses were very much tired and then proceeded quickly. |
vrm.6.26 | "There was mountain called Ramya, on the banks of River Gomati. |
vrm.6.125 | Hanuma saw, on the way, Ramatirtha, a place of descent into the river as well as the rivers Valukini, Varuthini and Gomati as also the formidable forest of Sala trees, many thousands of people and numerous communities. |
vrm.6.127 | I presume that the aforesaid army of Vanaras is crossing the rivers, Gomati. |
vrm.7.56 | Thereupon having arrived at the hermitage situate on the banks of Gomati Lakshmana spent the night there. |
vrm.7.104 | Do thou order that a spacious, sacrificial ground may be made on the banks of the river Gomati in the Naimisha forest. |