Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 07:42 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 07:42
vrm.2.107 | "My dear brother! Formerly, an illustrious king named Gaya, while perfoming a sacrifice in a place called Gaya in honour of his ancestors, chanted the following verse: "Since a son delivers his father from a place of torment hell called Put he is named as Putra he who delivers his ancestors from all dangers |
vrm.2.107 | "To have many virtuous and learned sons is to be desired, since one, atleast among them, who is intimately connected will ocme to Gaya to perform a sacrifice. |
vrm.7.19 | Dushkanta, O child, and Suratha, and Gadhi, and Gaya and king Pururava all these kings said: We have been defeated. |
vrm.7.50 | Do thou, O Sugriva, protect lovingly the highly powerful Hanuman, Nala, thy father in law Sushena, the mighty Tara, irrepressible Kumada, the powerful Neela, the heroic Satabali, Mainda, Dvivida, Gaya, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sarava, the irresprcssible and powerful king of Rikshas Jambavan, Gandhamadana, valiant Rishava, Supatala, Kesari, Sarabha and Sumbha these and other heroic Vanaras who dedicated their lives to my service. |