Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 07:06 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 07:06
vrm.3.5 | Then that Enemy destroyer Indra adoringly bade farewell to the sage, and travelled to heavens by the chariot with its green Horses. |
vrm.4.6 | "Oh! Enemy destroyer, Rama, I will fetch your wife to give her to you whether she is in netherworlds or even in empyrean worlds. |
vrm.6.59 | Pierced by the arrows of Ravana the Enemy of Gods, those Vanara Generals of terrifying stature fell on the ground. |
vrm.6.59 | Meanwhile, Hanuma approaching Rama spoke the following words: You have to punish the Rakshasa by climbing my back, as Vishnu on Garuda in order to fight with the Enemy of Gods. |