
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 06:56 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 06:56


vrm.1.17 The Ashwin whose wealth is their beautiful appearance have personally procreated two vanara s namely Mainda and Dvivida, blessing them with beautiful appearance.
vrm.4.26 Then, Vanara s like Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, Mainda, Dvivida, also thus Hanuma, Jambavanta have started pouring pure water on Sugreeva, which the best vanara s have collected from the rivers flowing to east, as well as to west, from each of the sacred declivity of rivers, from every ocean, and stored in golden flasks.
vrm.4.33 On the kings way Lakshmana has seen the exquisite mansion of Angada, likewise the lavish mansions of distinction pertaining to the other vanara chiefs, namely Dvivida, Gavaya, Gavaksha, Gaja, and Sharabha, Vidyunmali, Sampati, Suuryaaksha, Hanuma, and that of the noble souled Nala, and even those of Virabahu, Subaahu, Kumuda, Sushena, Lt.
vrm.4.39 Both Mainda and Dvivida, the great mighty sons Ashvini twin Gods have then appeared, each with a thousand crore vanara s.
vrm.4.41 Sugreeva, the well informed and brave lord of Vanara troops, then beckoned Angada and the other prominent vanara s who are valorous ones with full fledged dash and dare, like the son of Agni Neela, and the exceptional vanara Hanuma, the highly vigorous son of Grandparent Brahma, namely Jambavanta, also others like Suhotra, Sharaari, Sharagulma Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sushena, Vrishabha, Mainda, Dvivida, Sushena, Gandhamadana, and the two sons of Ritual fire called Ulkaamukha, Ananga.
vrm.4.50 b, Without pressing one another closely, yet not distancing from one another largely, Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, also thus Mainda, Dvivida, and Hanuma, and even Jambavanta, crown prince Angada, also the forest mover Lt.
vrm.4.65 Then on hearing the words of Angada those best Vanara s, namely Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, Mainda and Dvivida, and Susheshana, and like that Jambavanta have individually said about their abilities in the matter of leaping the ocean according to their turn.
vrm.4.65 Then the great resplendent Dvivida informed, I can go up to seventy Yojana s, no doubt.
vrm.5.3 This land may be conquerable by Kumuda or Angada, to the great Vanara Sushena or to Mainda or Dvivida.
vrm.5.46 "Earlier, I saw the Vanaras of a great prowess like Vali and Sugreeva, the mighty Jambavan, Nila the Chief of army and so on like Dvivida.
vrm.5.59 How much more, the Rakshasas in battle? Tell me any one who can fight against Mainda or Dvivida, among Gandharvas or Uragas or Pakshis the birds or the Devas, Asuras or Yakshas.
vrm.5.59 These two illustrious sons of Ashvini Kumaras, Mainda and Dvivida are the foremost among the Vanaras.
vrm.5.59 Even these Mainda and Dvivida on their part are capable of destroying the entire city of Lanka together with its Horses, chariots and Elephants.
vrm.6.3 Oh, Rama! What is the use for the rest of the forces to you? Angada, Dvivida, Mainda, Jambavan, Panasa, Anala and Nila the commander in chief alone, by reaching that great city of Ravana leaping and storming Lanka with its mountains and woods, moats and archways, protective walls and buildings, will recover Seetha.
vrm.6.5 Both Maina and Dvivida the distinguished Vanaras there moved in all directions through that army, for the purpose of vigilance.
vrm.6.28 The two who stand there, who have the same resemblance and have the appearance of Devas, are Mainda and Dvivida.
vrm.6.29 Beholding those foremost of Vanara leaders pointed out by Shuka the most valiant Lakshmana Ramas right arm, his own brother Vibhishana standing close to Rama, the terribly powerful Sugreeva the king of all Vanaras, the strong Angada grandson of Indra the wielder of thunderbolt, the powerful Hanuman, the imincible Jambavan, Sushena, Kumuda, Nila, Nala the excellent of Vanaras, Gaja, Gavaksha, Sharabha, Mainda and Dvivida that Ravana his heart became agitated a little, was enraged and then abused those two heroes Shuka and Sarana who had completed their report.
vrm.6.31 Mainda and Dvivida those two great scourgers of their foes, the long bodied and the foremost of the Vanaras, groaning and breathless, their limbs bathed in blood were cut to pieces at the waist level, by a sword.
vrm.6.37 Meanwhile, Rama the king of men and Sugreeva the Sovereign of Vanaras, Hanuman the son of Vayu, Jambavan the king of the Rikshas, Vibhishana the Rakshasa, Angada the son of Vali, Lakshmana, Sushena along with his kinsfolk, Mainda, Dvivida, Gaja, Gavaksha, Kumuda, Nala and Panasa, all having reached the enemy s territory, assembled to take counsel together.
vrm.6.38 Hanuman, Angada, Nila, Mainda, Dvivida, Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, Panasa, Kumuda, Hara, Rambha the chief of the troop, Jambavan, sushena, the greatly wise Rishabha, Durmukha of great splendour, Shatabali the Vanara and other hundreds of Vanaras which are fast moving, which can wander easily on mountains with a speed akin to that of wind, ascended that Suvela mountain which Rama ascended.
vrm.6.41 Nila, the valiant army chief of Vanaras together with Mainda and Dvivida reached and halted before the Eastern gate.
vrm.6.43 Vajramushti confronted with Mainda and Ashaniprabha with Dvivida.
vrm.6.43 Those principal Vanaras Mainda and Dvivida confronted with those highly terrific Rakshasas.
vrm.6.43 Even Dvivida, whose impact was like a flash of lightening of a thunder bolt, struck Ashaniprabha with a rock before the eyes of all the Rakshasas.
vrm.6.43 That Ashaniprabha wounded Dvivida the Vanara leader by his thunder bolt like arrows, while Dvivida was fighting with trees in the battle.
vrm.6.43 With his limbs struck by arrows, that Dvivida agitated as he was by anger, struck with a Sala tree, Ashaniprabha, his chariot and the Horses.
vrm.6.45 Rama the scourger of his enemies ordered both the sons of Sushena, Nila the chief of Vanaras, Angada the son of Vali, the stron Sharabha, Dvivida, Hanuman, the very strong Sanuprastha, Rishabha and Rishabha skandha.
vrm.6.46 Nila, Dvivida, Mainda, Sushena, Kumuda, Angada along with Hanuman forthwith began to grieve for Rama and Lakshmana.
vrm.6.46 Striking Nila with nine arrows, Indrajit the destroyer of foes tormented Mainda and Dvivida with three superb arrows on each.
vrm.6.49 "A great act was done by Angada, Mainda and Dvivida.
vrm.6.58 Dvivida, with a mountain peak, struck down Narantaka, the one among them who was rushing upon quickly and killing the Vanaras.
vrm.6.67 Pulling out a mountain and looking like a hanging cloud, Dvivida the foremost among the Vanaras, ran towards Kumbhakarna, who resembled a mountain peak.
vrm.6.67 Dvivida, springing up, hurled that mountain towards Kumbhakarna.
vrm.6.71 Taking trees and mountain peaks, Kumuda, Dvivida, Mainda, Nila and Sharabha marched forwards quickly to attack him at once.
vrm.6.73 He also struck Sugreeva, Rishabha, Angada and Dvivida with sharp and terrific arrows endowed with boons and made them breathless.
vrm.6.73 With lances, spikes and sharp arrows, charged with sacred texts, Indrajit the excellent Rakshasa struck all those foremost of Vanaras, namely Hanuman, Sugreeva, Angada, Gandhamadana, Jambavan, Sushena, Vegadarshina, Mainda, Dvivida, Nila, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Kesari, Hariloma, Vidyuddamshtra, Suryanana, Jyotimukha, a Vanara called Dadhimukha, Pavakaksha, Nala as also a Vanara named Kumuda.
vrm.6.74 Vibhishana and Hanuma saw Sugreeva, Angada, Nila, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, Gavaksha, Sushena, Vegadarshi, Mainda, Nala, Jyotimukha and a Vanara called Dvivida, who were struck down on the battle field.
vrm.6.76 Protecting Angada, Mainda and Dvivida took their position near Angada, with an intent to exhibit each of their own martial skill.
vrm.6.76 Shonitaksha, the valiant and the powerful Rakshasa, chopped off the trees uplifted and hurled by Dvivida and Mainda with his mace in the midway itself.
vrm.6.76 Seeing that Yupaksha rushing on him, Dvivida hurriedly struck Yupaksha on his chest and with a rage, forcibly caught hold of him.
vrm.6.76 Seeing his mighty brother being seized, Shonitaksha, of great splendour, then struck Dvivida on his chest.
vrm.6.76 That mighty Dvivida, struck by Shonitaksha was tottered but pulled off the platters mace when lifted again on him.
vrm.6.76 Meanwhile, Mainda came nearer to Dvivida and banged Yupaksha on his chest with his palm.
vrm.6.76 The valiant Dvivida, after splitting open shonitakshas face with his claws, threw him down on the floor by his strength and crushed him down.
vrm.6.76 By that arrow with a golden shaft and fastened with feathers, drawn upto his ear and discharged, he then struck Dvivida.
vrm.6.76 Stretching another arrow resembling a serpent and with a good pointed tip, Kumbha of a great splendour, struck it on the chest of Mainda the brother of Dvivida.
vrm.6.93 Then, the virtuous Rama spoke also to Sugreeva, Vibhishana, Hanuma the Vanara, Jambavan, Mainda the foremost of Vanaras and even Dvivida, who were in close proximity to him as follows "Such wonderful power of this missile exists either with me or with the three eyed Rudra the lord of destruction.
vrm.6.99 "In the battle, I will cut down the tree in the shape of Rama, which is going to yield fruit through its flower in the form of Seetha, whose principal branches are Sugreeva, Jambavan, Kumuda, Nala, Dvivida, Mainda, Angada, Gandhamadana, Hanuma, Sushena and all the chiefs of Vanara warriors.
vrm.6.127 Then, Bharata embraced Sugreeva, Jambavan, Angada, Mainda, Dvivida, Neela and Rishabha.
vrm.6.128 Thereafter, Rama the tormentator of enemies, having thought over, presented articles according to their inclinations, to Mainada, Dvivida and Nila.
vrm.7.49 Thereupon having welcomed and casting loving looks upon the highly powerful and leading Vanaras such as Neela, Kesarin, Kumuda, Gandhamadana, Sushena, Panasa, Mainda, Dvivida, Jambavan, Gabaksha, Dhuara, Baleemukha, Prajaghna, Saunada, Dariimukha, Dadhimuka, Indrajanu and others, he addressed them all in sweet accents, saying: You are all my friends like unto my limbs and brothers.
vrm.7.50 Do thou, O Sugriva, protect lovingly the highly powerful Hanuman, Nala, thy father in law Sushena, the mighty Tara, irrepressible Kumada, the powerful Neela, the heroic Satabali, Mainda, Dvivida, Gaya, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sarava, the irresprcssible and powerful king of Rikshas Jambavan, Gandhamadana, valiant Rishava, Supatala, Kesari, Sarabha and Sumbha these and other heroic Vanaras who dedicated their lives to my service.
vrm.7.121 Thereupon he said to the Jambavan, Brahma s son, Mainda, Dvivida and five others in his company: "As long as the Kali Yuga exists do ye all live.

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