Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 29 Aug 2011 06:49 and updated at 29 Aug 2011 06:49
vrm.4.39 | A braving and powerful legion commander of vanara s named Durmukha has then appeared encompassed with two crores of vanara s. |
vrm.6.8 | A Rakshasa by name Durmukha, being seriously enraged, spoke to him as follows: This humiliation meted out to us by that Vanara is indeed not to be tolerated. |
vrm.6.9 | Then, Nikumbha, Rabhasa, the exceedingly strong Surya satru, Suptaghna, Yajakopa, Mahaparshva and Mahodara, the unconquerable Rakshasas Agniketu and Rasmiketu, then the powerful son of Ravana named Indrajit endowed with great energy, Prahasta and Virupaksha, Vajradamshtra who was extraordinarily strong, Dhumarksha and Atikaya and the Rakshasa by name Durmukha, carrying iron clubs, sharp edged spears, spikes, darts, javelins and axes, bows with excellent arrows and swords shining like a vast expanse of water, and who were all extremely enraged, and flaming as it were with glory, those Rakshasas rose up and spoke to Ravana as follows. |
vrm.6.30 | Sumukha, Durmukha and a Vanara called Vegadarshi are surely the personifications of death in the form of Vanaras, created by Brahma, the Lord of creation. |
vrm.6.38 | Hanuman, Angada, Nila, Mainda, Dvivida, Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, Panasa, Kumuda, Hara, Rambha the chief of the troop, Jambavan, sushena, the greatly wise Rishabha, Durmukha of great splendour, Shatabali the Vanara and other hundreds of Vanaras which are fast moving, which can wander easily on mountains with a speed akin to that of wind, ascended that Suvela mountain which Rama ascended. |
vrm.6.58 | The ape Durmukha on his part, with a ready hand, uprooted a very large tree and crushed the Rakshasa Samunnata. |
vrm.7.5 | On her he begot, do thou understand, whom Vajramushti, and Virupaksha, and the Rakshasa Durmukha, and Suptaghna, and Yajnakopa, and Matta and Unmatta ;and, O Rama, there was also born a lovely daughter of Sundari, Anala. |
vrm.7.32 | And encircled by Maricha, Prahasta, Mahaparshva, Mahodara, Akampana, Nikumbha, Suka, Sarana, Sanghrada, Dhumaketu, Mahadangstra, Gathodara, Jambumali, Mahahrada, Virupaksha, Suptaghna, Yajnakopa, Durmukha, Khara, Trisira, Karaveeraksha, Suryashatru Mahakaya, Atikaya, Devantaka, Narantaka, all those gifted with great prowess, there entered the battle field, the highly powerful Sumalin, Ravana s maternal grandfather. |