Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Aug 2011 16:57 and updated at 28 Aug 2011 16:57
vrm.1.28 | "Oh, Raghava, take these radiant missile children of Krishasva from me, namely Satyavanta, Satyakeerti, Dhristha, Rabhasa, Pratihaaratara, Paraanmuka, Avaanmukha, Lakshya, Alakshya, Dhridhanaabha, Sunaabha, Dashaaksha, Shatavaktra, Dashasheersha, Shatodara, Padmanabha, Mahaanaabha, Dundunaabha, Svanaabha, Jyotisha, Shakuna, Nairaashya, Vimala, Yungandhara, Vinidra, Daitya, Pramadhana, Suchibaahu, Mahaabaahu, Nishkali, Virucha, Saarchirmaali, Dhritimaali, Vrittiman, Ruchira, Pitrya, Saumansa, and also thus Vidhoota, Makara, are two of them. |
vrm.3.14 | "Oh, boy Rama, Diti gave birth to well known Daitya s, the so called Rakshasas, and earlier this earth with forests and oceans belonged to them. |
vrm.4.43 | "Under any circumstances you shall not go to the north of Kuru province as there is no other way out to follow, even for other beings like Daitya, Danava, Yaksha, Gandharva s, though they possess some extraordinary capabilities. |
vrm.7.22 | Hiranyakasipu, the gracaful Namuchi, and Shamvara, Nishandi and Dhumketu and Virochana s ofspring Vali, and the Daitya Shamvu that mighty monarchs, Vritra and Bana ;and Rajarshis versed in all branches of learnings and Gandharvas, and mighty Nagas, and Sages, and Pannagas and Yakshas, and swarms of Apsaras and the Earth herself containing vasty oceans and mountains and rivers and trees, at the unrolling of a Yuga all these, O mighty monarch have I brought to dissolution. |
vrm.7.33 | In the interim a heroic and powerful Daitya chief Pulomi, by name, taking Sachi s son disappeared. |