
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Aug 2011 16:43 and updated at 28 Aug 2011 16:43


vrm.1.70 a There was a saint named Chyavana, the heir of Sage Bhrigu, who in fascination with best and beautiful mountains then taking shelter on Himalayas.
vrm.1.70 So said Sage Chyavana to the queen of Asita who received the poison.
vrm.1.70 On reverencing Sage Chyavana that husband devout princess whose husband is no more that lady gave birth to a son.
vrm.2.110 "A sage called Chyavana, belonging to Bhrigu race was staying in a Himalayan mountain.
vrm.5.24 "Like the highly fortunate Sachi who waits upon Indra, like Arundhati on Vasishta, like Rohini on the Moon God, like Lopamudra on Agastya, like Sukanya on Chyavana, like Savitri on Satyavanta, like Srimati on Kapila, like Madayanti on Saudasa, like Kesini on Sagara, like Damayanti the daughter of Bhima, devoted to husband Nala, in the same way I am devoted to my husband Rama, the best in Ikshvaku dynasty.
vrm.7.73 At this time Sumantra, entering, addressed him, saying, "O king, stopped at the gate, some ascetics stay there, Maharshis, led by Bhargava and Chyavana.
vrm.7.103 Hearing their sweet words Rama again began with the story of Kardama s son and said "In turn, the heroic Ila, having regained his manhood, the highly illustrious and intelligent Budha, well informed of birth and well skilled in the art of speech, sent for the highly liberal Samvarta, Bhrigu s son Chyavana, Aristanemi, the foremost of Munis, Durvasa, capable of affording delight, and other friends gifted with patience and said "Ye all know well, how this mighty armed Ila, Kardama s son, attained to this peculiar condition.
vrm.7.109 Next morning Rama, being present in the sacrificial ground and having sent for the Rishis, Vasishta, Vamadeva Javali, Kashyapa, Viswamitra, carrying on penances for a long time, Durvasa, Pulastya of hard austerities, Salastri, Bhargava, Markandeya living long, the highly illustrious Madgalya, Gargya, Chyavana, Satananda, conversent with religions, effulgent Varadwaya, Agnis son Vasuprava, Narada, Parvata, the great Gautama and other ascetics of firm vows, assembled with minds possessed by curiosity.

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