Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Aug 2011 16:19 and updated at 28 Aug 2011 16:19
vrm.2.63 | "Without my senses under control and with an intent to kill there a wild Buffalo or an Elephant or any other wild animal coming in the night at that place for the purpose of drinking water, I was ready with my bow at a solitary place. |
vrm.4.11 | One" named Dundubhi was there in the form of a Buffalo, whose size shone forth like Mountain Kailasa and who bears the strength of a thousand Elephants. |
vrm.4.11 | "That great mighty Rakshasa Dundubhi wearing the look of a Buffalo with sharp horns was awe inspiring, and like the arrival of a massive dark cloud in rainy season full with water on the edge of firmament, he arrived at the gateway of Kishkindha and bellowed clamorously like a war drum as though to quake the earth. |
vrm.4.11 | "Thinking thus and coming out of hermitage that celebrated sage has seen the mountainous Buffalo fallen on ground lifelessly. |
vrm.4.11 | "On knowing by his ascetic power that this deed is done by the Vanara, he released a great curse on him who tossed the cadaver of Buffalo. |
vrm.4.11 | Lakshmana", if he lifts and kicks the skeleton of this dead Buffalo by the might of his foot, and makes it fall at a distance of two hundred bow lengths, I can confide. |
vrm.4.46 | "When Vali repulsed the Buffalo shaped Rakshasa Dundubhi towards Malaya mountain, then that Buffalo entered the cave of Mountain Malaya, and even Vali entered therein wishing to kill that Buffalo. |
vrm.4.46 | "Then I concluded that my brother is unmistakably killed, and then I fixed a mountain similar boulder in the mouth of that cavity with a thinking that it will be impossible for that Buffalo to exit and it will get destroyed within that cave itself. |
vrm.5.11 | Hanuma saw there in that bar, meat of Deer and of Buffalo, of wild Boar kept separately. |
vrm.6.59 | eyes, with heads of Tigers, Buffalo mighty Elephants, deer and Horses, under an excellent white canopy with slender ribs and shining like a moon, he who is the humbler of the Gods themselves, shining like unto Rudra amidst the genii, is the suzerain Lord of Rakshasas there. |
vrm.6.60 | Then, the Rakshasas pointed to various kinds of victuals, Boar and Buffalo. |